Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Welcome to BFCG!

Welcome to Books for Christian Girls! A blog dedicated to finding Christian books for Christian girls. To use this site to its maximum here are some tips!

~To find books for girls ages 9-19, scroll over the Books for Each Age tab, then select what age group you’re looking for.

~By clicking the About tab, you can learn about the girl behind the blog. Scrolling over that tab will also show where you can Contact her.

~If you’re looking for a certain genre to read, scroll over the Genre tab and pick what you’re looking for! If a Young Adult book is a Contemporary, it will be under both categories. Same goes for Pre-Teen books also being a Mystery.

~Every book ever reviewed and future book reviews are in the major Book List tab, organized by the author’s last name.

~Connect with us on Social Media! Our sites are listed just to the right and you can click on each one to check them out! 

~Some books have been marked Banned for having lots of Sexual Content. (Every Banned book will have a warning before the book cover.) Those reviews will be under Books for Each Age>Books we don’t recommend

~And very importantly: These reviews posted are the blogger’s opinion. 
E­very rude comment will be deleted. Keep in mind, we might disagree about one book, but love the next together! 

Thank you for viewing this site and we hope it’s helpful to you! ๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. I love this! New follower who is very much looking forward to your posts.

  2. Same with me. :) I've never actually followed your blog, but I have always read your goodreads reviews.

  3. Hello! In your "about" you mention that you like Bible journaling. I know that it would be a bit different than your usual posts but I would love to see how you journal ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. That's a great idea, Alyssa! I don't know when I'll be able to get to it, but it's in my mind now, so it'll happen one day! ;)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  4. Your blog explaining all the main points very awesomely. Thanks for sharing this knowledgeable post books for 9 year olds

  5. I am personally intrigued that the date on this post is in June 22,2021 ����

    1. Hi there!
      It's just a blogging trick to get this welcome post to stay at the top of the page. :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  6. Hi Lindsey! I've seen you around on Goodreads and watched your "My Life in Books Tag" and it was so much fun! Could you point me to the place where I can subscribe to this blog? XD Thank you!

    1. Hi there!
      Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad that you're enjoying this site and out YouTube videos! We do not have the typical Blogger follower layout (something happened long ago to that feature!), but you can follow us on Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Goodreads, Instagram, and/or Bloglovin' to be updated when we post.
      Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  7. Hi,Lindsey!!!!!!! I love your blog and YouTube channel!

    1. Hi there!
      Awww, thank you so much! I'm happy to hear that you enjoy both! :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  8. Happy 5th birthday! I may have only found your site a couple of months ago but you have inspired me so much!

  9. Hi Lindsey! I've been following your blog for most of 2018 and I loved it ever since. I started to love reading after I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I'm 12 years old and am making a T.B.R. for myself. I've got all the suspense I need but do you have any recommendations for laugh out loud books? I also like action if it doesn't have too much violence(especially with animals)like Melanie Dickerson's books.

    1. Hi there, Ava!
      Thank you so much for your support of BFCG! :)
      Let's see...Janice Thompson and Erynn Mangum are the two authors I go to when I want a funny read, but be see to check the reviews I have about the content in them due to their books being aimed more for high school and up. Krista McGee also has a YA Contemporary trilogy that might work for your age! Lastly, the Camp Club Girls series by various authors sometimes have some humor in them!
      I hope this helps! :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

    2. Thanks! I will definitely look into them. :)

  10. I love your blog. It is very nice to be able to know what is in a book before I read it. Your blog is very encouraging. I am so glad I found it!

  11. I am almost done with Always Watching and I just ordered Sketchy Behavior and the Girl Who Could See. Thank you so much Lindsey, without you I wouldn't of know of any of these!

  12. Hi Lindsey, I just read a blog post by Melanie Dickerson. She released a book called Magnilia Summer about three weeks ago. I had heard nothing about it and I was wondering, since you really enjoy her books, will you be reviewing it?

    1. Hi Samantha!
      Yes, I definitely hope to review it! I'm not sure when it will happen as it's with a smaller publisher, but hopefully within a couple months? So sorry for the delay in the review! :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  13. Hi Lindsey!

    Where do you find all your books? Do you get them all for free from the authors in exchange for reviews, or do you purchase some? If so, where is your favorite place to buy them?


    1. Hi there!
      I actually made a video about those questions which you can view here:

      Thanks so much! :)

  14. I'm so grateful for a blog like this! Thank you!

  15. Just want to say thanks so much!
    I literally feel like as a teenager there are hardly and suitable bks, but this shows me I'm not alone ๐Ÿ’— Do you ever consider writing your own? Personally I'm a fan of Christy miller๐Ÿ‘Œ

  16. Thank you so much for all of the good books! I'm an Evangelist's daughter and almost every week my mom and I go on here and decide what books I can and can't read. But thank you so much, keep the books coming๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’

  17. Thank you so much Lindsey for all your posts I love your blog! I am an Evangelist's daughter and I get on here about every week and look at your new books that you have reviewed! You are doing amazing things!

  18. Hi Lindsey!
    I just found your book blog and have been enjoying reading all the reviews. Keep up the good work!

  19. I have an 11yo daughter who enjoys adventure books like the Abby South Seas series. Can you recommend any other series (for my 11yo) that have brave, courageous, and adventure loving girls as the main character?

    1. Hi there!
      One series that comes to mind is the "Mandie" series by Lois Gladys Leppard. It has been fully reviewed on this site as well, so please do check out those content reviews! :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed day!

  20. Hi Lindsey it seems like there aren't a lott of books anymore with 4 stars for a 15 year old like me. Have you ever considered writing your own books for teenagers?

    1. Hi there!
      Yes, unfortunately I've seen less and less YA books being published in the Christian market. I have a few on my TBR that I hope to get to (& review soon)--definitely in this new year! :)
      Aww, yes, I've definitely have considered that and hope to one day! I have lots of thoughts, the thing is just getting them written and also getting the main plot of each book. Hahaha! ;)
      Thank you for your comment!
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  21. I don’t see the Genre tab - searching on my iPhone 8

    1. Hello!
      When on mobile, you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on 'View Web Version'. It will be just above the ABOUT section at the very bottom. Around an inch or so from the bottom of your screen. Once you click/tap that, you should see the Genre tab available. It will be small, though, so you may have to zoom in to see it or view our site on a computer or tablet.
      Thank you and I hope this helps!
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  22. Hi Lindsey ๐Ÿ’“ i was wondering if you could review a book by Denise Hunter... It's " The Perfect Match" ? Whenever you have time of course i know you are busy. Have you ever read Denise Hunter? I hope you have a great year! Thank you for all you do! Love Paris

    1. Hi there!
      I will look into this book! Thank you for the suggestion! :)
      Have a wonderfully Blessed week!

  23. So happy to have found your page! ❤️
