Friday, May 17, 2024

"The Kingdom's True Queen" by Michaela Bush

About this book:

  “Two kidnapped sisters and a secret to ruin a kingdom.
   As the race to find the rest of the written prophecy continues, Asta, servant and sister to the Norvege queen, holds a grim secret.
   When a Lanarian guard secretly arrives to infiltrate the castle, Asta must make a betray her wounded sister, or betray the countries at risk of crumbling. Abused and broken by her sister's rule, it should be an easy decision.
    But yet another secret ruins the reality Asta once the man commanding the Lanarian guard to capture the Norvege their father. She is offered freedom and refuge-possibly at the cost of her sister's life. Will she accept the new world offered to her, or will loyalty to her sister be her undoing?”

Series: Book #4 in the “Legends of Lanaria”. Review of Book #1, Here! Book #2 Here!, and Book #3 Here!

Spiritual Content- Three Scriptures at the beginning (Ephesians 4:8 and 11, Micah 7:7, & Isaiah 43:2); Scriptures are mentioned & remembered; This book is loosely inspired by the Biblical story of Joseph; Prayers (both Asta and Nicolas), Thanking God, & Crossing one’s self (Nicolas); Witnessing; Talks about God, following Him, & forgiveness; 'H's are capital when referring to God; At one point, it seems as if God speaks through Asta to her sister; Asta prays for the Lord to forgive her for lying to her sister (she doesn’t think the Lord would approve even though it’s being obedient to her mother); Asta follows God despite being in a pagan country (she tells Nicolas not to talk about God for his safety); Asta has the gift of dream interpretation (She isn’t sure if they are something that God ordains, but Nicolas tells her “The Lord offers gifts to His children. Whether we grow and use them for Him is up to us. He will grow and enhance those gifts if we serve Him faithfully. Or we can use those same gifts for personal gain, but it comes at a cost.”); Nicolas believes that God will forgive him for taking a life because of the circumstances; Asta tries to tell her friends about God but is ridiculed by them instead; Mentions of God, gifts from God, believers of Him, choosing Him, rejoicing in Him, witnessing, & forgiveness; Mentions of prayers & praying; Mentions of a Prophecy & a woman having the gift of prophecy (Book #2); Mentions of blessings & being Blessed; A couple mentions of those & events in the Bible; A couple mentions of Heaven/eternity; A mention of someone being executed for praying to God; A mention of a possible miracle; In the author’s note at the end of the book, the author shares about forgiveness; 
             *Note: Asta has a dream a few times where a snake is on someone’s arm (representing the darkness that person partakes in); *Spoiler* Asta’s sister believes that the darkness will come for and consume Asta for standing in her way and says about fools who pray to “imaginary gods”; Asta feels a strength in her that her sister is powerless in a battle and also that she can’t breathe due to a sudden heaviness in her; Asta tells her sister that she will always destroy everything she puts her hand to because of her choice of following the darkness; Later, Asta notes that her sister has been consumed by the “darkness she practiced” *End of Spoiler*; Many mentions of evil, darkness, dark magicks, & witches (all portrayed negatively); A few mentions of pagans & heathens; A mention of not negotiating with demons; A mention of a man pleading to every deity; A mention of people believing that a country is cursed (Book #1, untrue).

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘biddy’, two ‘stupid’s, and five forms of ‘shut up’; A few mentions of curses (said, not written); A bit of eye rolling; Killing two people who had ill intentions (someone else finishes off one of the people, up to semi-detailed); Seeing someone executed & another knocked-out (border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); Being beaten, being slapped, being choked, being locked in a cell/tied up, injuries, pain, blood/bleeding, & throwing up (border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); Asta recalls being kidnapped as a child & locked in a prison-like cell (up to semi-detailed); Nicolas thinks that sometimes the best thing to do was “raze and rebuild” a country that wicked and that Norvege is the best example; Asta throws up when on a ship due to things that happened in the past (mistreatment as a child by kidnappers); Asta & Nicolas both lie for the sake of safety & their missions; Set during a war with mentions of the war, deaths, bodies, killing/murders, executions/hangings, & threatening harm and death (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of slavery, humans being sold for “labor or worse”, kidnappings of children, & children being sold to adults (the king says selling the children will benefit the kingdom; not said for what the children are sold for besides a man hinting to want to keep a child for himself while licking his lips); Mentions of abuse & mistreatment (including of children); Mentions of beatings, injuries, pain, blood/bleeding, & throwing up (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of prisons & bandits; Mentions of nightmares (including of murders, deaths, & blood/bleeding, border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); Mentions of lies, lying, liars, & deceit; Mentions of rumors & gossip; Mentions of hatred; Mentions of alcohol & drinking; Mentions of terrible smells of decay & animal carcasses (barely-above-not-detailed); A few mentions of assassinations; A few mentions of poisons & deaths; A couple mentions of a woman being scalped and dying (no details); A couple mentions of a rumor about a man murdering his family that was suspected of treason; A couple mentions of stealing & thieving; A mention of someone believing her father murdered her mother; A mention of a possible beheading; A mention of someone being like a whipped dog; A mention of hunting; 
             *Note: Asta’s sister is verbally, physically and emotionally abusive to her (Asta is loyal to her despite this, thinking that whatever her sister does to her, her sister has had worse done to her; *Spoiler* Asta’s sister tried to sell her as children, but was tricked by the kidnappers and was also kidnapped after they killed the girls’ mother; Asta’s sister remembers this differently and blames their father for selling them and has made herself the victim in the story) *End of Spoiler*; Asta has a few signs of PTSD after some events in her life & says she feels broken some days (but aims to work towards healing with God’s help); Mentions of a country having disdain for human life & people killing others easily; Mentions of someone having hallucinations & self-harming from them (it is said that the women was broken even before then, *Spoiler* Asta’s sister *End of Spoiler*, barely-above-not-detailed).
Sexual Content- A forehead kiss and a barely-above-not-detailed kiss; Some touches, dancing, nearness, warmth, butterflies, & noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); Blushes & Winks; A couple moments of wanting to touch (barely-above-not-detailed);Asta and her sister were kidnapped as children and later became the then-prince’s concubines when they were of age (her sister later married the prince); It’s said that Asta has faced the king’s lusts and has been used as a concubine at times (including when her sister, the queen, would push him on Asta, threaten her with him visiting her, and that later Asta would return with bruises); A man licks his lips when looking for a child he is trying to kidnap (a little girl); Mentions of the king of Norvege and his allies using women to “entertain” them and later disposing of the women (this “pleasure” is called an addiction by Nicolas, barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of the king having concubines & seeking out other women if he gets bored (ordering them to come to him, implied sexually); A few mentions of comments from men about Nicolas getting/finding a women to be with at night (with a couple mentions of hoots and crude comments that aren’t written out); A couple mentions of scantily-clad women trying to earn a few coins or “exchange themselves for a meal” (they call out to Nicolas but he ignores it); Some love, falling in love, & the emotions.
                                P.O.V. switches between them 
                                                        187 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

Warning for those sensitive to wars/evil in them, deaths, & mistreatment of children. }

The fourth book in this series defitnely takes a different turn than the prior books with being about a Christian young woman who lives a pagan country and is abused often. It did feel a bit rushed at the beginning with what felt like everything happen at once, but at the same time it was good because then I didn’t have to wait for answers and things to happen, I suppose! I think had the book been longer things could have been fleshed out better, but at the same time, then we would be in the midst of the evil and abuse that Asta is facing. So, I guess it was better this way in my opinion—pros and cons to both ways. 


This book does have some subject matter and mentions of human trafficking and women being discarded after being used, so it is the first book in the series I would caution about it being better for slightly older girls. It’s kept with no details, but you know what’s happening and being hinted about. It was darker than the prior books in the series because of that, but it also makes sense as it’s set in a country that worships the darkness and Asta is caught in the middle of it. I got chills at some of the events in the book because even though I don’t usually like books with a Spiritual Warfare element, this book’s Light vs Darkness was well-done and goosebump worthy. Had this book been longer and went into more of the darker content, I honestly don’t think I would have enjoyed it and/or would have given it a lower rating. But because the author stopped at certain points, it made it not over-the-top at all. That said, though, it could be easy to read into at some parts, I would give a caution to those with active imaginations about this book. (Personally, it was right on the line for me with what I’m comfortable with.)


I have to comment that I’m very impressed—and very thankful—that when Asta cleans Nicolas’ wounds on his chest/stomach, it doesn’t get sexual tension filled at all as she is focused on cleaning his injury. That’s it. Thank you! I need more authors to take note of this. I also did really like a certain twist that was revealed about halfway. I was very excited to see how that was going to work out and glad it happened. 


Even though the romance suddenly happened, this is almost a novella length of a book, so I didn’t let it bother me. I would say they are my second favorite couple in this series though because of his kindness and patience with her and just what a good guy he was for her. That ending was a bit of a cliffhanger though and it makes me eager—and nervous—for the next book.



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Monday, May 13, 2024

"Road Trip Rescue" by Becca Wierwille

About this book:

  “A girl with a missing dog. A magazine photo that points north. A pink-haired aunt with a beloved old car and a heart for adventure. Will Kimmy’s rescue mission bring Bo home?
    Twelve-year-old Kimmy trusts dogs more than people.
    After all, her dog Bo never made fun of her for having one hand. But two years ago, Bo disappeared.
    When Kimmy stumbles across a magazine photo of a dog in upstate New York that looks just like Bo, she knows she has to find him. Her parents seem oddly unsupportive, but pink-haired, adventure-hungry Aunt Skylar agrees to a road trip with a stop in the Adirondacks. Kimmy jumps at the chance to bring her furry family member home.
    Unfortunately, Aunt Skylar’s idea of a road trip isn’t the rescue mission Kimmy had in mind.”

Series: Book #1 in the “Road Trip Rescue” series. Book 2 releases in the fall of 2024. 

Spiritual Content- Matthew 28:20 at the beginning; At the end of the book in the author’s note, the author shares about God, salvation, & never being alone because God is with you always; Prayers, Blessings over the food, & Thanking Jesus; A couple talks about God & Him always being with Kimmy (when asked about it once, Kimmy gives the “Sunday school answer” about it, but later believes it herself); 'H's are not capital when referring to God; Mentions of God, Jesus, Him always being with us, God making Kimmy with one hand, & forgiveness; A few mentions of prayers & praying; A few mentions of those in the Bible; A couple mentions of miracles; A couple mentions of Sunday school; A mention of someone thanking Jesus; A mention of Bible verses; A mention of God’s beautiful earth; A mention of Heaven; 
             *Note: Mentions of a character from Veggie Tales; A mention of a ghost (phrase used). 

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘dumb’ and two ‘stupid’s, A mention of a string of curses (said by Kimmy’s aunt, but not written out); A tiny bit of eye rolling; Throwing up (barely-above-not-detailed); Kimmy is scared after nearly being ran off the road & her aunt following the man to yell at him (the man didn’t see them and Kimmy says that they forgive him when the man is near tears); Kimmy cries herself to sleep at times because of her missing dog & things not going as planned; A couple of times, Kimmy lashes out to someone who was trying to be nice to her (she feels guilty and later apologizes); Kimmy lies to an adult (thinking that it didn’t feel good and that her parents would be disappointed, but is upset at them at this moment and thinks that they have no room to speak about not lying); Kimmy scares her aunt by wandering off by herself (*Spoiler* Kimmy says that she didn’t think her aunt would care, but her aunt was worried that she could have been swept out to sea; They both later apologize to the other for wandering off and for yelling *End of Spoiler*); Kimmy eavesdrops on her mom’s phone call (despite knowing it was wrong) and is caught, but no punishment is given; *Spoiler* Kimmy tries to enter someone’s home when they aren’t home and is caught before she goes inside (no punishment is given) *End of Spoiler*; Kimmy recalls hearing her (former) BFF talking and laughing about her and her arm with the popular girls (being unkind and calling her a ‘freak’, which really hurt Kimmy and has made her feel very lonely since then; Kimmy wonders if she was just a joke to them); Kimmy wonders why her parents are acting strange about her trying to find her dog (*Spoiler* When she finds something out about the dog she believes to be her’s, she accuses them of giving away her dog and lying to her for the past two years which makes her very upset and hurt by them; Her mother tells her not to talk to her father than way and to explain what she means, but Kimmy has to go (later, Kimmy doesn’t want to talk to them on the phone because of being upset with them); *Major Spoilers* It turns out that wasn’t the case and they were told about a possibly injured or dead dog on the side of the road that could have been Bo, and didn’t want to tell her about it; She apologizes later and they do as well for keeping this secret from her; Her parents tell her “no matter what you say to us, no matter what you think of us, we’ll always love you.”; We learn that Bo was rescued by someone who needed a friend and is alive *End of Spoilers*); All about many mentions of Kimmy’s dog going missing two years ago & her heartbreak over it (including mentions of what could have happened to him like death, being hit by a car, being attacked by another animal and injured, being dog-napped, & having a new family; barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of an almost car accident & yelling at the other driver; Mentions of injuries, pain, & blood/bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of throwing up/puking & peeing; Mentions of manure/poop & bad smells; A few mentions of a young boy not remembering his parents (mother died when he was a baby and his father lives in another country); A few mentions of the passing of a man’s wife & his grief; A few mentions of possible fires; A few mentions of hatred; A couple mentions of making up a shark attack story explaining why Kimmy is missing an arm (she does not share it but thinks about it); A couple mentions of the possibility of being electrocuted on a subway; A couple mentions of lying (which Kimmy doesn’t do at one point because she knows it will just make things worse); A couple mentions of cigarettes; A mention of murder; A mention of the death of a mother; A mention of a tunnel collapsing; A mention of a bomb shelter; A mention of stealing; A mention of spreading gossip; A mention of tattoos; A mention of using a paper for toilet paper; 
             *Note: A side-character (Daniel) is neurodivergent & is scared of loud noises (*Spoiler* he also wanders off at one point which scares everyone else, but is found safe; He later recalls when he wandered off into the woods at a school field-trip and after search-and-rescue got involved, he wasn’t allowed by the teacher to go on any more trips with his class *End of Spoiler*); Kimmy doesn’t like people staring at her because of being one handed so she often wears long sleeves even in the heat and hides her arm (*Spoiler* At one point, she questions wearing a sleeveless dress, but decides to wear it after all *End of Spoiler*); Daniel asks Kimmy if she ever feels like no one wants her around, which makes Kimmy think about it and that that idea does scare her about being lonely; Kimmy’s parents were worried about her going on a road trip with her aunt (particularly because of the aunt’s known irresponsibility and Kimmy’s mom gets upset at the thought); Kimmy’s parents have a “no-phone-until-you’re-thirteen rule” and she thinks about how nice it would be to have one a couple of times; Kimmy sits in the front seat of her aunt’s car because the aunt “cared little for rules” and her parents say nothing about it; Kimmy’s aunt doesn’t want her to call her “aunt” because it makes her feel old (Kimmy doesn’t think she’ll ever break the habit and doesn’t call her by her first name); Kimmy is on the toilet when she sees a photo of what she thinks is her missing dog in a magazine (this is only mentioned because she says that she’s not trying to be funny when she says that her “life changed on the toilet” and later a mention of her pulling up her shorts); A handful of mentions of car brands; A couple mentions of places & restaurants (McDonald’s, Subway); A couple mentions of a TV show (Animal Planet); A couple mentions of a poem (by Robert Frost); A mention of a game (Pictionary); A mention of Google.
Sexual Content- When hearing her aunt talk about her ex-boyfriend & falling in love with him, Kimmy thinks that she knows nothing about falling in love and had a crush on a boy in her class for a while, but stopped when she saw him eat his boogers; *Spoiler* Kimmy and her aunt run into her ex-boyfriend and his little brother (who he is responsible for) & stay with them at their apartment (in separate rooms); Kimmy’s aunt wants to stop their trip so they can have a second chance, but Kimmy convinces them to go on the trip with her and her aunt instead; Kimmy and his brother “crash” their date *End of Spoilers*; Mentions of Kimmy’s aunt’s broken heart, her ex-boyfriend, their break-up, & dating.
-Kimberly “Kimmy” Beckett, age 12
                                1st person P.O.V. of Kimmy 
                                                        230 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

Even through I don’t really care for road-trips in real-life, reading about road-trips and adventures that happen on them can be really fun. This book almost had a nostalgic feeling to it, but I can’t place why or how. Perhaps it was the charm of middle-fiction fiction with chapter titles. 


I can 99.99% of the time expect a dog-themed book to make me cry. I don’t like those odds as someone who prefers not to cry, but yet, I keep reading them. This one was bittersweet for sure. My sensitive dog-loving heart accepted the ending, but my sensitive dog-mom heart wanted to cry out for Kimmy’s sake. 


I do feel like the faith content could have been worked in a bit more than Kimmy being told & later realizing that she’s never alone, that God is always with her, but it was good to see God talked about positively in a middle-grade book that could stand up against secular published ones. Neither Kimmy or the adults in the book are perfect and there’s lessons to learn and forgiveness to give. 


Overall (and despite my tears), I did enjoy this one. The ending was a tad rushed, but fit anyway. I look forward to reading the second book when it releases!



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Friday, May 10, 2024

"Bailey McKenzie, Crime Scene Specialist" by Tina R. Young

About this book:

  “With a mom in forensics and a dad on the police force, it’s no wonder that fourteen-year-old Bailey McKenzie has her sights set on working in the field of law enforcement as well. When she and her friends are given the opportunity to be junior forensic interns for the summer with her mother leading them, Bailey jumps at the chance to get a start on her career.
   But investigating a murder scene takes a personal turn when the team, specifically Bailey, comes under attack and their lives are placed in danger. As the team continues to try to put the pieces together, can they depend on God to help them figure out who the murderer is and catch the criminal before it’s too late? Or will Bailey’s dreams of fighting for justice never become a reality?
   Bailey must follow the clues to answer these questions. But through it all, Bailey must learn to decide who she can trust and place her faith in the One Who will never let her down.”

Series: Book #1 in the “Crime Scene Specialist Teens” series. 

Spiritual Content- Ephesians 2:10 at the beginning in the dedication; A couple Scriptures are quoted & remembered; Prayers, Blessings over food, & Praying for forgiveness for lying; *Major Spoiler* When drowning, Bailey prays that she’s ready to be with God, but is rescued before it happens; She later forgives the kidnapper despite not being able to explain how or why but is “sure it was God” *End of Spoiler*; Mentions of God & Jesus; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food; A few mentions of thanking Jesus; A couple mentions of the teens asking God for forgiveness for lying; A couple mentions of a Bible & Bailey doubting the person has read it lately or the person wouldn’t be in the mess they’re in; A mention of divine intervention; A mention of a miracle; 
             *Note: When a teen guy teases Bailey about praying for his food as well as her’s, she comments that “maybe I did, and maybe I didn’t [pray]. Why don’t you swallow that bite and see what happens to you?...I’m just messing with you, dork. I don’t think God’s going to kill you—unless of course, you’re mean to me.”; A few mentions of someone looking and sounding evil; A couple mentions of fairies & magic wands.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘blasted’, a ‘duh’, a ‘good grief’, a ‘Holy Toledo’, two ‘idiot’s, six ‘dumb’s, and eight ‘shut up’s; Lots of Sarcasm & Eye rolling; Name calling, teasing, insults, & comebacks between friends (calling others ‘brat’, ‘pain in my rear’, ‘loser’, ‘jerk’, ‘punk’, ‘bird brain’, ‘troll’, ‘backward hick’, ‘geek’, ‘snot-sucker’, ‘fruitcake’, ‘a nag’, ‘kook’, ‘dog breath’, and telling them to ‘back off’ and ‘shut up’); A mention of a string of profanity (said by an adult; said, but not written); Going to a crime scene where a triple homicide happened (with bodies still there, but Bailey’s mom doesn’t let the teen team see the bodies because it would be “too traumatic” but describes the bodies and what happened to them, up to semi-detailed); A Drive-by shooting, Being hit by a car, Being strangled, Nearly drowning, Being threatened with a gun/with death, Being kidnapped, Being stuffed in a trunk, Being drugged, Pain, Injuries, & Passing out (up to semi-detailed); A dog is shot (grazed) & someone is shot and killed (Bailey looks away, but implied up to semi-detailed); When her emotions get the best of her, Bailey runs away despite her parents or friends calling for her (five times, *Spoiler* The fifth time, she ends up hit by a car and breaking her wrist *End of Spoiler*); Tempers flare between the teens and pushing/shoving happens with yelling and snapping (including Bailey getting very mad and yelling that she hates one of them, up to semi-detailed); The teens process bullets, blood, a cigarette pack, & cocaine packages (up to semi-detailed); Bailey & another teenager lie to an authority figures that doesn’t like them (twice, which Bailey’s mom isn’t happy about them lying) & later Bailey lies to a friend to avoid telling the truth; Bailey’s mother ignores her Lieutenant’s words about not having the team of teenagers help her & the kids try to avoid him (but end up lying to him a couple of times, which her mom isn’t happy about; *Spoiler* Towards the half-way point, he’s kinder to them and implies he’s okay with them helping all of a sudden *End of Spoiler*); Bailey’s mom wonders if the teens should even be helping her because of the dangers, but they want to stay (*Spoiler* She debates about it, but ultimately keeps the group together at the end *End of Spoiler*); Bailey’s mom is very upset at her when evidence disappears (yelling at her and causing Bailey to cry, but they are quickly okay again a few pages later and her mom apologizes at the end for blaming Bailey); *Major Spoiler but Important Content Note* Around the half-way point, there’s hints to Travis—Bailey’s father’s partner and her not-crush—being the murderer; Bailey defends him and gets upset at others believing he could be the murderer determined to prove he is not the murderer; When she rudely voices her opinion to her parents, she gets mad at them saying he is the murderer and doesn’t regret talking back to her mom even if she gets grounded, but her mom says that Bailey is right because they have to stay open-minded; She eventually realizes that he is, in fact, the murderer and he ends up kidnapping Bailey by drugging her, planning to keep her with him for a “really long time” and already has clothes (including socks and underwear) in her size; When she messes with the boat they are on, he strangles her and then she falls into the water, nearly drowning and prepared to give up before she is rescued; The man apologizes to Bailey when in police custody and Bailey forgives him not being able to explain “why or how” but is “sure it was God” prompting her to forgive him (up to semi-detailed); Bailey apologizes to her parents after this saying that she should have listened, but her mom apologizes instead and says she was the one who was wrong *End of Spoiler*; All about & many, many mentions of a triple homicide, crime scenes, the bodies, gunshots, a shootout/shooting, blood, wounds/injuries, drugs, drug dealers, drug trafficking, & how the people were murdered (up to semi-detailed but also bluntly described in detailed like a case study); Mentions of almost drowning; Mentions of a drunk driver & nearly causing an accident; Mentions of lies & lying; Mentions of cigarettes & smoking Bailey says her dad’s partner’s only flaw is that he’s a smoker); A few mentions of a drive-by shooting; A few mentions of stealing & stolen items; A few mentions of nightmares; A few mentions of a little boy ‘tormenting’ a little girl (pulling on her hair, pushing her, and chasing her with worms and spiders); A few mentions of hatred; A couple mentions of a robbery of a liquor store where someone was stabbed; A couple mentions of gangs; A couple mentions of jealousy; A mention of a domestic homicide; A mention of suicide; A mention of ransom; A mention of a burp; A mention of an ear hair (a girl pulls it out of a guy’s ear, unknowingly to him); 
             *Note: Bailey has a few moments of panic that could be described as panic attacks (feeling dizzy, unable to breathe, etc. up to semi-detailed); Bailey calls her mom by her first name a few times because it irritates her mom and she hates it; One of the teen boys hits himself in the forehead because his words aren’t coming out how he means them; Poorly written texting between Bailey, her friends, and also her father (“UR a JRK”, “Luv u”, “u” instead of “you” and “r” instead of “are”, and either a lack of punctuation or too much); The word “cop” is used more often instead of “police officer”; Bailey’s Scottish grandfather makes a comment against the British; One of the teen boys makes negative comments towards a girl’s ethnic cooking (because of the smell and calls it “poopia” and no one eats the lumpia because of it); A mention of a fictional character (Spiderman).
Sexual Content- A cheek kiss and a semi-detailed kiss; A few touches, nearness, & warmth (up to semi-detailed); Noticing handsomeness and guys’ looks (both an adult man and a fellow teenager, barely-above-not-detailed); Bailey says she doesn’t have a crush on her dad’s partner (who is twenty-four years old) and says that she just wants him to find her “cool” but many of her actions say otherwise (running to him and him picking her up and kissing her cheek, him winking at her, her heart fluttering at mentions of him, shivering when they accidentally brush hands, runaway and cries when she messes up in front of him, wanting to look good for him so she puts on lip gloss and her mother’s perfume, blushes in front of him, & calling him “my Travis”); *Major Spoilers but Important Content Note* See spoiler in Negative Content section for context, but Bailey is kidnapped by Travis and is told that she’s be with him a “really long time”, he already has clothes including underwear in her size, and Bailey doesn’t want to think of the worst scenario (which could be death, sexual, or not being able to shower as it’s unclear her train of thought); She is rescued by a teen friend and they share a kiss; Bailey is shocked by it and asks “We hate each other! Don’t we?” and when he confirms it, she kisses him on the cheek *End of Spoilers*; Bailey’s parents try to talk to her about their concern about her reactions to the man, but she interrupts that she doesn’t need a lecture about her age (and that she’s “almost fifteen” anyway) and says she doesn’t want a relationship with him, but comments again on the man to which her father tells her that she doesn’t need to think about any boy (let alone a man) and that her crush has him concerned (Bailey knows she can’t stop thinking about him and doesn’t want to hear a lecture about it); Bailey overhears her parents talking about her crush on her dad’s partner (her dad says she’ll outgrow it, but her mom is concerned and wants to tell the man to be careful what he says and does around Bailey) which Bailey rudely interrupts and says “I am not a child, Mother!...You’re just going to have to accept that sooner or later! You don’t even understand how I feel about Travis—you don’t even try to understand!” and runs upstairs (later interrupting her mom again when she brings up the age difference which causes her mom to apologize to Bailey); Bailey tells her parents that they have to let her grow up (a few times and they respond that Bailey is right and apologize to her); Bailey kisses her pillow and then wonders what it would be like to kiss a boy someday; Bailey tries to act as a wingman for her friend with her crush; A teen friend calls Bailey ‘his girl’ which Bailey protests about; Bailey’s dad tells her that story of when he hard to take off his shirt in front of her mom when they were dating (citing that his muscles was what won her over); Bailey’s mom calls her dad “lover” and “babe/baby”; Mentions of a first kiss & kissing; Mentions of making-out, boyfriends/girlfriends, crushes, starry eyes around a crush, & what to do if you like someone and how to show it (Bailey suggests having a couples’ party which her mom is horrified thinking that Bailey means a “make-out party” and Bailey says she hasn’t kissed a boy yet); A few mentions of Bailey’s parents kissing & embracing; 
             *Note: Bailey kicks a man in the groin (self-defense).
-Bailey McKenzie, age 14
                                P.O.V. switches between them 
                                                        264 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

{ Girls around Bailey’s age highly interested in forensic science may enjoy this book, but I would give a caution because of behaviors shown and events in this book. }

I feel bad giving this book a low rating (especially because it will be the first for this book), but I just didn’t enjoy it for many different reasons. As an avid reader of Christian YA books, I hope my thoughts can come across in a helpful manner if the author chooses to read this review because Bailey’s attitude and behavior was not admirable.


I had very high hopes for this book and was super curious about it being a Christian YA Suspense/Mystery book because there’s not many of those out there! I should have liked it just based on that alone. 


Unfortunately, it fell flat for me. 


It almost felt like one of those textbooks that will write a story within it—and then quiz you after you read it to see if you understood the terminology and technical parts of all of it. It just felt unbelievable that these young teenagers or saying all these very technical things and explaining it in-depth like they were in the middle of a textbook but then saying things like “way cool” or using a ton of exclamation marks. 


There was a few things that I don’t understand how it happened in the sense of what the team or the adults did wouldn’t have been legal, or at least being not true evidence? Maybe there are loopholes, but it didn’t feel correctly done. I also don’t understand how Bailey’s mom let them continue working on the case when certain dangers were revealed and also that some of the elements of the crimes were close to home (emotionally connected) and they were still allowed to work on the case. It said that there were major layoffs and her mom’s department, but this still felt like stretching it even a little too much for a fiction book. Especially when a broken wrist happens, but a ring on that hand is unaffected by what should’ve had major swelling.


The concept of this book had me really intrigued and was a pretty neat concept overall, but the execution in the writing style wasn’t my favorite and hindered my enjoyment of the book. I think this would have been better as a TV show than a book, in all honesty. 


Bailey reminded me a lot of Holly from the “Holly‘s Heart” series, and unfortunately I don’t mean that in a positive comparison. Bailey in this book kept saying how she didn’t have a crush on her dad‘s partner (who is 10 years older than her and therefore a legal adult), but a lot of her actions showed that she did have one and really cared what he thought of her. When her parents try to talk to her about this, she interrupts them and has temper-tantrums about them not understanding and then her parents would apologize to her, which was just frustrating to see. She may have one moment where she says something correct in those tantrums, and her parents brush her side her attitude and behavior and tell her that she’s right about that one thing. This happened a few times and it was annoying. When she later apologizes for something, her mom once again brushes it aside and apologizes instead. Bailey would run off when she couldn’t control her emotions about him and it got to be ridiculous. If I was her big sister, I think I probably would’ve slapped her upside the head to get some common sense in her because she was acting like a child with those parts and her reactions to things involving him. 


Some teens may enjoy this book more, but I was sorely disappointed in it.


This book has caused some interesting conversations in online groups, both by those who enjoyed it and those who didn’t. I don’t believe in blindly recommending a book without sharing some important content notes first, so I will list below quotes and scenes from the book about some of the content concerns I have about it. To make sure I wasn’t allowing my own thoughts and opinions on teenage crushes and disrespectful main characters in books to affect my thoughts on this book, I shared these parts with over 30 book friends who often have differing and agreeing opinions with me on different topics in the terms of content and what is appropriate in YA fiction. 


Every single one commented on the questionable actions of Bailey towards her “not-crush”—a couple even shared that they were that young teen who had a crush on an adult young man, but that putting it in a teen book aimed for teens had an uncomfortable feeling that only grew after hearing the Major Spoiler. 

Without me mentioning my thoughts on her attitude, around half of this online friends commented on Bailey’s disrespectful attitude towards her parents and did not view it as okay. 


I leave these parts below for parents to read and make their own decision about this book for their teen (or pre-teen) girl. 


About her crush on Travis:

1-   “Mom started the ignition just as a black, souped-up sports car pulled up—Travis! I quickly jumped out to greet him. 

    Travis stepped out of his car, and I stared at his olive complexion and shoulder-length, jet-black hair. He was wearing his black leather jacket, blue jeans, and boots, which only added to his ruggedly handsome good looks. He appeared to be adjusting his gun that he kept in a holster under his shirt. I ran to him with outstretched arms. 

   “Travis! Travis!” 

   “Hey there, Cutie Pie!” he replied as he swooped me up in his arms. 

    He kissed my cheek and then tousled my hair, making my bun even messier. I looked up at his beautiful, green eyes and unshaven, handsome face. I ignored my mother telling me to return to the van and focused all my attention on Travis.”


2-    “My hand brushed against his as I applied the powder. A cold chill went across my skin, and I shivered out loud. How embarrassing. He probably thought I was such a child to act so nervous with him. Travis put his other hand on my shoulder and leaned in to whisper so no one could hear.”


3-    ““Mom told me what just happened, and it’s not as bad as you think.” He handed me a tissue and patted my knee, attempting to comfort me. 

    “Not as bad as I think? Dad, I just ruined a tape lift in front of Travis! Then I panicked and ran like a child!” I blew my nose, making a honking sound. “I can’t imagine what he must be thinking.” 

    Dad slid up next to me and put his arm around me. “Sweetie, I know how much you like Travis; but you are only fourteen, and he’s twenty-four—” 

    “Father, please don’t lecture me about my age,” I interrupted. “First of all, I’m almost fifteen, and secondly, I do not want a relationship with him! I don’t know why everyone thinks that I do! I just want him to think I’m cool. He’ll never take me seriously now,” I continued. “Not with the way I just acted. He must think I’m such an idiot!” I buried my face in my hands.”

[a bit later]

“[her father talking]….why don’t you stop thinking about Travis—or any boy for that matter? You have your whole life ahead of you. You’re smart; you have all kinds of interests and talents; and you should be enjoying your life, not thinking about a boy—and especially not thinking about a man! Your crush on Travis kind of has me concerned, to be honest.” 

    I knew I couldn’t stop thinking about Travis, but I didn’t want to hear a lecture about it.”


[when Travis suddenly comes over]

“I wanted to look effortlessly put together, and I certainly didn’t want anyone to think I had put too much effort into looking great. I searched and searched until I found the perfect outfit—my favorite gray, cotton, short-sleeved top. It was snug around the waist and hips with a silver zipper accent that extended from shoulder to neckline with an angled cut at the bottom hem. That would go perfect with my faded blue jeans that were actually hanging up rather than lying on the floor with the rest of my wardrobe. 

[a bit later] 

    I finished my shower and put on my cool, yet chic, outfit. I sprayed some spritz into my hair and partially blow-dried it, giving it just enough fullness. I snuck into my parents’ room and borrowed some of Mom’s yummy smelling perfume….back in my bedroom….I dabbed some sparkle lip gloss on my lips and left the room. Now I was ready.”


[overhearing her parents discussing Travis]

    ““Liam, I know he cares a lot about Bailey, but I think he needs to spend less time with her since she has such a big crush on him. He also seems wasteful with his money—renovates his home, new sports car, truck, new boat . . . ” Mom tried to keep her voice low, but I could still hear what she was saying. 

    “Don’t be ridiculous, Renée. He thinks of Bailey as a little sister, and she’ll outgrow her crush on him. Plus, it’s none of our business how he spends his hard-earned money!” my dad snapped. “He’s single and likes to have toys. Besides, the boat is used.”

    Mom paused. “You’re right that his money is his business, but could you please just tell him to be careful what he says and does around her? It’s so easy for her to dwell on any little kind gesture he makes.” 

    I couldn’t believe what she was saying! I walked into the family room and slammed the TV tray on the table, causing the sandwiches to fall apart and partially tumble to the floor.

    “I am not a child, Mother!” I clamored. “You’re just going to have to accept that sooner or later! You don’t even understand how I feel about Travis—you don’t even try to understand!” 

    I almost cried from frustration and anger, but I was able to stop the tears from flowing. I turned and started to run up the stairs. 

   “Bailey, wait!” Mom called after me. 

    I continued up the stairs to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I sat on the floor, put my headphones on, and cranked the music up as loud as it would go. Three songs played before I noticed her standing there. If she knocked, I didn’t hear. I saw her mouth moving but couldn’t hear her over the music. Mom gently removed the headphones from my head.

    “I’m sorry you overheard our conversation, Bailey. I don’t expect you to understand, but my intentions are only to protect you,” she said in a soft, loving voice. “I know, Mom, but you have to let me grow up, too,” I answered. 

    “You’re right,” she said to my surprise. “It’s just that I’m very concerned about your feelings for Travis. He is so much older than you and—” 

    “Mom!” I started to interrupt. 

    She held her hand up, “Okay, okay . . . I’m sorry,” she said, giving me a hug. “Are we okay?” she asked. 

    I nodded my head, even though I was still a little upset.”



Spoilers, but important content information about Travis and Bailey’s crush towards him and what happens at the end of the book:

“Why do you care what happened to me?” I asked sarcastically. 

    He shook his head. “Is this how it’s going to be, Bailey? I’ll tell you right now, you are going to be with me for a really long time, so you can make up your mind right now to get along or make this hard on yourself. It’s your choice.”

[she is drugged by him and stuffed into a truck of a car; later once she wakes up]

“I continued past the living area to the sleeping quarters and bathroom. There were plenty of bathroom supplies and extra bedding as well. I continued to nose my way through the drawers in the sleeping quarters. There were jeans, t-shirts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, pajamas, and even socks and underwear—all in my size! 

    I realized that Travis was planning for me to stay for quite some time. Part of me was relieved that he didn’t have plans to kill me—at least not right away. But part of me was scared of what he might have planned. What if he planned on keeping me his prisoner for the rest of my life? He could always drug me so that I would forget who I was and where I came from! Or he could keep me tied up all the time and untie me only to go to the bathroom or to take a shower! Or worse yet—I couldn’t bear to think of the worst scenario!”

[after being rescued]

   “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you both [her parents] all along,” I said quietly. “You were right—about everything.” 

   Mom shook her head. “No, Bailey. I’m the one who was wrong. I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right about Travis. I kept telling myself everything with him was fine, but I had a check inside of me, a doubt. I should have followed my instincts. I should have paid more attention and watched for the warning signs. He’s a manipulator, and he tricked us all. I’m just so thankful that nothing worse happened to you! I can’t bear to think of what could have happened. Thank You, Jesus!”




Kiss scene:

[Between Bailey and her nemesis on the team]

“My heart began to pound faster as his fingers moved along my jawline and touched my lips. I felt my breathing start to quicken, and I wondered what was happening….

    I opened my mouth and started to speak, but he moved his hand under my chin and placed the other against my back as he pulled me in close. My eyes shut as I felt his soft lips gently press against mine. I felt my body begin to collapse into his safe, strong arms. 

    He pulled his lips away, and I felt his warm breath on my neck as a drop of water trickled off of his hair and down my face. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, trying to regain my senses and gather my thoughts. I suddenly realized—this was my first kiss.

    This was the first kiss of my entire life. The moment I had been waiting for. My first kiss! And it was with—Jake Wayne? I pulled away from him and darted a look of perplexity.”



Texting examples:

1-   “My cell phone vibrated. It was a text message from Jake. 

   Get over it, the message read. 

   Ur a JRK, I answered back. 

   Were u really worried about me? 

   Not really, I replied. 



2-   “I grabbed my camera gear and started setting it up when my phone vibrated. It was Dad texting. 

   R U OK? 

   Perfect, I typed.

   Luv u, he replied.”


3-   “Hey girrrl! I texted. 

    Heyyyy . . . goin 2 bed . . . SO tired. 

    Me 2...but I have BIG news. 


    About Dorian . . . and YOU!! 

    WHAT IS IT?! I talked 2 him 2day. 

    I said U R smart, kind, and funny . . . And he said and PRETTY!! 

    SERIOUSLY?! He said IM pretty?! 


    HE said IM pretty or YOU said it?? Tell me EXACTLY what he said!! 

    HE said U R PRETTY!! 

    I am SO EXCITED!! 

    Me 2!! 

    Thanks, Bay!! XOXOXO 

    Of course! Now I can’t sleep! LOL!! 

    LOL!! TTYL”


See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.