When their father the king is assassinated in the palace courtyard, Frederick Belvare can do nothing to stop his older brother Matthias from plunging into the Blackwald forest after their father's assassins to bring justice and to retrieve his stolen crown. Only the Crown Prince does not return, and Prince Frederick must go to the Blackwald to bring his brother back. He enlists the help of his father's knights and sets off into the Blackwald, but rumors lurk of strange men and monstrous bear tracks in the snow.
Rosalind Everwright and her mother and sister only want peace. Secluded in their little cottage in the Blackwald, they've found for themselves a refuge from the painful past, that is until Rosalind finds a man wounded in the snow. The Everwrights take him in to their care. The huntsman seems to be more than he's letting on, and with his arrival what little peace they've found is shattered.
Neither Prince Frederick or Rosalind know who to trust in the snowy wood, but one misstep may cost them their lives, for not all in the wood is as it seems.”
Series: Book #14 in the multi-author series, “Cornerstone”. It does not seem to be connected to any other books, however. A stand-alone novel. Click on the books to be taken to that review: Book #1, Book #2, Book #3, Book #4, Book #5, Book #6, Book #7, Book #8, Book #9, Book #10, Book #11, Book #12, and Book #13!
Spiritual Content- Romans 12:21 at the beginning; Scriptures are mentioned, remembered, & thought over; Prayers & Thanking God; Talks about God, trusting Him, forgiveness, & fear; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Mentions of God; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food; Mentions of a bishop at a wedding; A mention of being Blessed; A mention of meeting someone again in Paradise.
Negative Content- The beginning chapter starts with Frederick seeing his father’s body and blood after he was assassinated (he later has a nightmare of this, the attack, & a wolf attacking him; all up to semi-detailed); A fire, smoke, & rescuing trapped horses (up to semi-detailed); Fighting, Being attacked, Being hit, Being chased, Being kidnapped and tied-up, Being held at knife-point, Being shot/Being shot at, Injuries, Pain, Blood/Bleeding, & Passing out (up to semi-detailed); Finding someone injured & near death (up to semi-detailed); Seeing a death (including the person’s horse sniffing the body and looking sad, up to semi-detailed); Grief & sobbing (up to semi-detailed); A horse is also injured (but will be fine, up to semi-detailed); Frederick drinks ale at a tavern; Many mentions of deaths, grief (for fathers and a wife for her husband), a body, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of assassins & an assassination; Mentions of wars, battles, & deaths; Mentions of attacks, fighting, weapons, injuries, pain, blood/bleeding, & passing out; Mentions of a tavern & ale; Mentions of hunting; A few mentions of a fire; A few mentions of pellets of bears with the head still attached (used for rugs); A couple mentions of lies & lying.
Sexual Content- A cheek kiss and a not-detailed kiss; Some Touches, Embraces, & Flutters/Butterflies (barely-above-not-detailed); A blush; Seeing a couple hold hands, embrace, and share a kiss on the forehead; A bit of noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); Very light love, falling in love, & the emotions.
-Rosalind Everwright
-Frederick Belvare, age 21
P.O.V. switches between them
159 pages
Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating-
I’ve read a couple other retellings of Snow White and Rose Red before and because I didn’t care for them, I was starting to think that this fairytale might just not be my cup of tea—but I enjoyed this one! The author did well with the elements of the fairytale, but it never felt like the fairytale was taking over the story, if that makes sense. It was balanced well between the fairytale and then her own story, which I liked.
I thought it was funny that the sisters both met their men in the same scenario—finding them injured and nursing them back to health. I felt a little jipped by not getting Blanche and her guy’s story, but Rose and Frederick had their cute moments. I did really appreciate that they both focused on what was important now-and-then rather than let their emotions take over. It was a very sweet and very clean romance for sure!
I will say that I didn’t quite understand all the details of the timing of events and what was happening towards the end, but that could have been me? I was a bit lost on it which unfortunately dropped my personal rating a bit. (*Spoilers* My question is that if Matthias was going to marry Blanche after knowing her a month after searching for his father’s assassins and the traitor-knight knew that, why was the traitor-knight’s motivation to kill the king was that the king would allow their marriage? I’m confused on this timing because Matthias and Blanche met after the king’s death? So how is that the traitor-knight’s motivation to kill the king as if the king knew of their relationship and approved? Someone please feel free to explain this to me! *End of Spoilers*) Regardless of this though, I did like this story and am curious to see what else the author has written or will publish in the future.
See y’all on Wednesday with a new review!
*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.