About this book:
Evelyn Brand is an American foreign correspondent determined to prove
her worth in a male-dominated profession and to expose the growing tyranny in
Nazi Germany. To do so, she must walk a thin line. If she offends the
government, she could be expelled from the country--or worse. If she does not report
truthfully, she'll betray the oppressed and fail to wake up the folks back
Peter Lang is an American graduate
student working on his PhD in German. Disillusioned with the chaos in the world
due to the Great Depression, he is impressed with the prosperity and order of
German society. But when the brutality of the regime hits close, he discovers a
far better way to use his contacts within the Nazi party--to feed information to
the shrewd reporter he can't get off his mind.
As the world marches relentlessly toward war, Evelyn and Peter are on a
collision course with destiny.”
Series: No, a standalone.
Spiritual Content- Scriptures are
mentioned & quoted; Prayers, Thanking God, & Blessings over food; Talks
about God; ‘H’s are not capitalized when referring to God; For the first part
of the book, Evelyn says she loves God but doesn’t need Him for strength, only when
she’s in a pinch; Church going & hymns; A Christmas service; Mentions of God
& forgiveness; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food; Mentions
of Bibles, Bible reading, & books of the Bible; Mentions of Christians,
Jews, converting, & persecution; Mentions of churches, church going, hymns,
sermons, & pastors/priests; Mentions of synagogues & rabbis; Mentions
of a cross necklace; A couple mentions of sins;
*Note: Mentions of the official
German church rejecting the Old Testament and Apostle Paul while preaching
about an Aryan Jesus; Mentions of a synagogue being demolished; A mention of a
hairstyle like a Grecian goddess would wear.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘damning’, three ‘idiot’s, six ‘shut up’s, and
eight ‘stupid’s; Mentions of curses (said, not written); Sarcasm & eye
rolling; All about Nazis, communists, persecution, treason, pogroms, violence, fighting,
weapons, deaths/murders, & concentration camps; Being held at gunpoint
& threatened (up to semi-detailed); An attack, pain, fighting, killing
someone (in self-defense), injuries, & blood/bleeding (semi-detailed); Recalling
pain & seeing someone die (barely-above-not-detailed); Seeing people being
beat up & blood/bleeding (semi-detailed); Threats & Riots (semi-detailed);
Lying & Deceiving for the sake of safety; Mentions of dead bodies & how
they were killed (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of orders to kill Jews
(including women); Mentions of executions & guillotines; Mentions of wars,
fighting, & deaths; Mentions of arrests, injuries, & blood/bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed);
Mentions of beatings, injuries, pain, & watching someone be murdered (up to
semi-detailed); Mentions of weapons (guns & knives); Mentions of violence, mobs,
gangsters, & thugs; Mentions of prisons/jails; Mentions of Evelyn’s old
boyfriends slapping her & locking her in a car trunk; Mentions of hatred; Mentions
of lies, lying, liars, & deception; Mentions of rumors; Mentions of alcohol
& drunks; Mentions of cigarettes/cigars, smoking, & tobacco; A few
mentions of bombs & air raids; A couple mentions of torture; A mention of divorce.
Sexual Content- a hand kiss, two
nose kisses, a chin kiss, two cheek kisses, five forehead kisses, an almost
kiss, a barely-above-not-detailed kiss, two semi-detailed kisses, and two border-line
semi-detailed // detailed kisses; Wanting to kiss & Staring at someone’s
lips (up to semi-detailed); Touches, Embraces, Nearness, Dancing, and
Remembering all of this (semi-detailed); Sleeping next to each other (cuddling)
for warmth; The Main characters have to sleep in the same room a few times; Sitting
in a man’s lap (barely-above-not-detailed); Noticing & Smelling (including
a shirtless man’s muscles & legs, semi-detailed); A man offers Evelyn to sit
in his lap (which she refuses), tries to touch her bottom with his knee,
comments on her time of the month, & also fondles her bottom; Mentions of a
honeymoon & the couple staying in each other’s presence; Mentions of kisses
& kissing; Mentions of flirting & flirts; Mentions of boyfriends/girlfriends
& dates; A few mentions of seducing a man; A few mentions of affairs &
mistresses; A few mentions of crushes; *Spoiler* The main couple (after they
have to get married) share a couple mentions of suggestive comments about a
married couple unbuttoning or removing each other’s clothing along with a mention
of a Peter taking Evelyn to bed. *End of Spoiler*; A mention of loose morals; Love,
falling in love, & the emotions;
*Note: Mentions of women’s curves,
hips, & bust lines; A few mentions of negligees; A few mentions of painting
of people wearing no clothes at all or very little; A couple mentions of shirtless
men; A mention of a knee to the groin; A man comments that others don’t think
Evelyn is making “little Nazis” with a higher power man.
-Evelyn Brand, age 26
-Peter Lang, age 27
switches between them
Set in 1938
348 pages
I haven’t read many books by this
author and to be frankly honest, I don’t know how many more I’ll end up
reading. I found the first third not able to grab my attention, the next third
interesting, and then the final third a little too kissy and suggestive. It
wasn’t over the top compared to some other books I’ve read recently, but it
still made me uncomfortable and I found those scenes to be unnecessary.
The main characters were fine, I
suppose, but I thought Evelyn did a major switch after falling in love with Peter.
Faith content was pretty decent, a bit more would have been nice, but what was
there wasn’t a bad amount. It was interesting (? I don’t like using that word
when it comes to brutal parts of history, but I’m at a loss for what else to
call it) to see Germany just before World War II as I haven’t read much about
that time. The foreign language aspects were neat and I liked seeing that, but
overall this book was only okay to me.
See y’all on Friday with a new
*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this
author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
*I received this book for free
from the Publisher (Revell) for this honest review.