Friday, August 30, 2024

"Because of You" by Hannah Currie

About this book:

  “Sixteen-year-old Chloe Gabriels has dreamed of going on an overseas mission trip for as long as she can remember, so when the opportunity arises for her to go to Thailand with Teen Missions International she jumps at the chance. Working at an orphanage, learning new skills, experiencing a different culture, making lifelong friends—what better way could there be to spend her summer vacation?
    Of course, the trip will have its challenges—living in close quarters with seventeen other teens out of their comfort zones has a way of doing that—but it will be worth it. She’ll finally be serving God in a practical way.
    But while the orphans and their stories break her heart, it’s someone unexpected who has the biggest impact on Chloe’s summer and leaves her wondering if maybe there are just as many people who need her love back home as there are overseas.”

Series: It seems to be a stand-alone novel.

Spiritual Content- All twenty-five chapters start with a Scripture at the beginning; Scriptures are read, mentioned, memorized, & discussed; Bible reading; Prayers, Thanking God, Blessings over food; Church going, services, & singing a hymn; Puppet shows about Bible stories; Witnessing; Many talks about God, His will, faiths, callings/dreams, testimonies, mission trips, those and events in the Bible, & Scriptures; Most 'H's are capital when referring to God and Jesus; Chloe has dreamed about going on a mission trip for years, ever since God whispered into her heart that she was going to be a full-time missionary one day; Chloe struggles to write her testimony as there wasn’t a “turnaround experience” because she grew up in a Christian home and always knew that God was a part of her; An assistant leader tells Chloe that that is her testimony and that it’s an awesome one so many would love to have, but Chloe is unsure because it doesn’t have loss like all the other testimonies; Chloe writes her testimony about always knowing God; When Chloe thinks that she’ll get a difficult teammate as her secret prayer partner, Chloe thinks about how God isn’t vindictive, “just far more interested in the “big picture” and a person’s growth than their comfort” & isn’t thrilled about having to pray and encourage the girl; This is a major challenge for Chloe & an assistant leader encourages her to remember that orphans aren’t the only ones that need to be reminded that God loves them; Chloe feels peace & God talk to her and comfort her; Chloe struggles with why God would let the girls at the orphanage have such hard lives (someone talks to her about this and they have a deep discussion that He does care, even more than they do); Chloe feels Jesus near when their team is praying; All about Chloe’s mission trip to Thailand, wanting to be a missionary one day, her excitement for the trip, & the things she learns; Many mentions of God, Jesus, trusting Him, faiths, & mission trips; Many mentions of devotional time, memorizing Scriptures, Bibles, Bible reading, Bible studies, books of the Bible, those and events in the Bible, & doing puppet shows of Bible stories; Mentions of prayers, praying, prayer partners, prayer teams, thanking God, & blessings over food; Mentions of churches, church going, services, sermons, youth groups/leaders, & pastors; Mentions of worship & a group of girls singing to God sounding like angels; Mentions of God-given callings/dreams, testimonies, & sharing them; Mentions of missionaries & how Chloe would read biographies on them and them being her heroes (Amy Carmichael, David Livingstone, and Mother Teresa are mentioned); Mentions of miracles; A mention of a Christian school; A mention of a blessing; A mention of a woman might as well being a saint for being good at everything; 
             *Note: Those who break the Teen Missions’ rules are given “Special Blessings” which is extra work to do; A hint to evolution (when Chloe sees a waterfall, she thinks “how could anyone see something like this and not believe in God? It would take far more faith for me to believe something like this happened by accident than by design.”); A few mentions of aliens; A couple mentions of the temples around Thailand; A mention of Santa.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: twelve forms of ‘stupid’; Eye rolling & sarcasm; Being sick (heatstroke), dizzy, & almost passing out (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of the deaths & possible deaths of parents (including by cancer); Mentions of pranks (such as short-sheeting beds, laxative-spiked drinks, moving beds, and water balloons); Mentions of squatty potties & trying to use them; Mentions of throwing up/vomiting & eating bugs; Mentions of hatred; A handful of mentions of jealousy; A few mentions of some of the girls at the orphanage watching their parents die & being distraught when someone is sick as they think the person will die too; A few mentions of the possibility of being robbed & thieves; A few mentions of the mission trip not allowing drinking, smoking, drugs, bad language, card playing, or dancing; A few mentions of lies & lying; A few mentions of rumors; A couple mentions of slavery; A couple mentions of glittery poo; A mention of possibly being kidnapped; A mention of parties & partying; A mention of a driver giving an angry gesture; 
             *Note: A teammate is difficult for everyone & Chloe thinks of her as an “irrationally emotional, constantly complaining, demanding mommy’s girl. And a drama queen to boot.” (Chloe tried to befriend her, but the girl was rude and said she didn’t want to be friends with her; We hear many of the girl’s complaints and negative comments; As the book continues, Chloe wonders if she was too quick to judge her, but the girl often makes rude and arrogant comments that makes Chloe frustrated; The girl is bitter and says she hates everyone on the team *Spoiler* Chloe feels like God is telling her to continue to try to reach out to the girl, but Chloe says no; Past the half-way point, Chloe is told that Skye’s mother is really sick with cancer that recently came back and that she may not live another two years; This hits Chloe hard and she has a dream that it was her family going through it which changes her perspective on the girl’s personality and tries harder to be kind and pray for her *End of Spoiler*); A teammate teases Chloe about hating people like her who find the good in everything; Chloe’s mission trip is to an orphanage/refuge for young girls that some call the “forgotten children” & there discussions of how the girls ended up in their care (including some being ‘true’ orphans, some being sent away from their families due to being ill or too poor, some of the girls clinging to the bodies of their dead parents, & how some girls who have not been rescued are sold as slaves to brothels; Chloe thought that all of the girls would be orphans and realizes that isn’t the case); Chloe says that she tends to panic a lot & we see some of that with ‘what-if’s and her fear over possible events; Mentions of TV shows & fictional characters (Funniest Home Videos, Play School, Doctor Who, & Pippi Longstocking); Mentions of brand names (Spam, Pepsi, Band-Aid, Streets and Magnum ice cream, & Oreos); A few mentions of the Teen Missions crew that Chloe is going with ruling out secular movies and listening to music during their training and on the flight (this makes the teens get to know the other); A few mentions of cricket athletes; A couple mentions of Chloe and her near-in-age sister sometimes being best friends when they weren’t comparing each other or competing; A mention of McDonald’s; A mention of yoga mats (to sleep on).
Sexual Content- It is said that girls who are not rescued by the mission as sold as slaves and sold to brothels “where they are abused, raped, and tortured for the rest of their lives. Many of those girls won’t even live to [sixteen or eighteen].” (This is a kick in the stomach to Chloe and she doesn’t understand why God would allow this to happen or how people could be so evil and cries herself to sleep after learning this); Chloe has a dream where she and her sister are sold to cover debts and wakes up after an evil man grabs her away from her parents (she knows it’s just a dream and her parents would never do that, but it shakes her and gives her a perspective on it); A handful of mentions of human trafficking, slavery, & brothels; A couple mentions of pairing up with the opposite gender not being allow on the mission trip; A mention of wolf whistles; 
             *Note: There is a rule for clothing to be tucked in that some of the teens complain about, but Chloe views it with the thought of “who knew what an untucked blouse or bit of skin might mean to a different culture?”; Mentions of a missionary couple unable to get pregnant, spending tens of thousands of dollars for medical intervention, still not able to get pregnant, & their grief; A few mentions of underwear.
-Chloe Gabriels, age 16
                                1st person P.O.V. of Chloe 
                                                        224 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

{Add up to a full star for teen girls interested in the mission field and/or going on mission trips.}

I’ve been super excited about this book ever since I first heard about it and I’m so exited that it was all I was hoping for and more!

First off, Chloe. She’s got a great attitude about everything and I think we could have been best friends when I was sixteen. Some might call her a goodie-two-shoes or too upbeat, but as someone who has been called both, I really liked her. :)

I found myself laughing at times with the antics of the team. This book brought back so many little details reminded me of my team and our trip to China--the team meeting in an airport, the squatty potties, the night market, the bargaining, the painting, the handprints of the wall, the adorable kiddos, and even the fear of leaving your heart behind in another country. Well done to the author, I need more books like this in the Christian YA market. 

It was also really nice to go into this book knowing that there was no romance and it was very refreshing because of that and the mission trip elements. The main focus of this book was the mission trip, the kids, and Chloe’s heart which I just enjoyed so much. I think any teen who has an interest in mission trips or the mission field ought to check this book out. 

This book highlighted how little I knew about Australia and my search history will attest to that as well, haha! Overall, I highly enjoyed this book and had to tab (and even underline) many parts while reading.  



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Monday, August 26, 2024

"A Summer at Sagamore" by Lisa M. Prysock

About this book:

  “Can summer love survive amid mystery and mayhem?
    When Abigail Greenwood and her cousins settle in for their annual summer retreat at the stunning and impressive Sagamore Resort in the Adirondacks, all she wants is to spend as much time as possible plunking out stories on her typewriter. But when her cousins insist she join them in the tradition of choosing a beau to adore from a distance during their stay, she reluctantly plays along, setting her sights on a mysteriously quiet and aloof guest. What started as harmless fun soon changes as Abby finds herself captivated by debonair—and handsome—Jackson Gable. Who is he, and why does his arrogant amused smile exasperate her so much?
    When a series of events causing mayhem and mischief begin to occur at Sagamore, journalist Jackson Gable is determined to get to the bottom of it, since his father is an investor of the resort. Jack has a nose for mysteries, but he may have to use his recently earned law degree and some of his posh family connections to sleuth out the culprit. Are the events connected? Why are they happening? And why can’t he get the beautiful Abby off his mind?”

Series: Book #2 in the “Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts” series, but does not seem to be connected to any other book. Review of Book #1 Here!

Spiritual Content- Scriptures are mentioned, quoted, & discussed; Prayers, Going to chapels, & praying at an altar; Eight of the twenty chapters starts with a Scripture; Talks about God, Jesus, the Azusa revival and events there, & faiths; 'H's are capital when referring to God; Abby’s father is a Presbyterian minister; Abby reads a book by Grace Livingston Hill and comments about the characters believing in “the grace and goodness of God” and finds it inspiring to her own writing; Jack thinks Abby looks like an angel and has a peace hovering about her; Abby wonders after seeing a family that doesn’t want to pray but at an altar at a chapel, if they “attended a church with strict rules of convention and were unaware that God only wanted people’s hearts, not rigid rules and traditions” and encourages them to pray in a pew; Abby and others fast as “another appeal to move God’s heart” for a miracle; Jack tells Abby about the time Jesus appeared to him in a dream to repent for his actions (when he was a teenager); Abby prays for forgiveness from God for writing a fake note; *Spoiler* At the end, Abby asks Jack if he broke the news gently to his parents that he was proposing to her who is Presbyterian *End of Spoiler*; A comment about keeping the Lord first in their hearts; Many mentions of God, Jesus, & faiths; Mentions of prayers, praying, thanking God, & blessings over food; Mentions of praying for revelation of a crime & for the criminals to be reformed and repent; Mentions of praying at an altar & at churches; Mentions of churches/chapels, church going, ministers, sermons, & services; Mentions of the Azusa Street Revival that Abby and her family went to, that deepened their faiths, witnessed miracles at (including her grandmother receiving healing and a man’s arm “supernaturally” growing back), & some viewing it as a spectacle; A few mentions of those & events in the Bible; A few mentions of Bible reading & devotional times; A couple mentions of the Holy Spirit; A mention of being Blessed; A mention of water baptism; 
             *Note: ‘For heaven’s sake!’ and ‘By George!’ are both exclaimed once; A place is called heaven because of it’s bathing pool; A few mentions of luck & not believing in it; A mention of a magical evening.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘good grief’; Some eye rolling & sarcasm; A fire, Being followed/chased by someone, & Being scared (up to semi-detailed); Two side characters that are sisters bicker & argue with each other (Abby’s grandmother warns her to stay away from them, but Abby tries to be kind to the sisters); A man tries to make it appear as if he’s been attacked and robbed (Abby and Jack see the man lying in the dirt, on the side of the road, and pretending to be passed out so someone will rescue him); Many mentions of crimes, criminals, break-ins, robberies, thieves/thefts, stolen items, & sabotage; Mentions of a fire, the arsonist, an arrest, & jail; Mentions of missing teens & a search party for them; Mentions of a saddle being cut, injuries, & how it could have killed someone (barely-above-not-detailed); A few mentions of a murder mystery book; A few mentions of teens from the “wrong crowd” breaking into a schoolhouse, smashing the windows, and making a mess; A few mentions of jealousy & bitterness; A few mentions of rumors & gossip; A couple mentions of blackmail; 
             *Note: Every chapter starts with a Scripture or a quote (quotes are by: Maud Hart Lovelace, Charles Dickens, Lucy Maude Montgomery/L.M. Montgomery, Edna St. Vincent Millay, William Wordsworth, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allen Poe, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Elisabeth Elliot,  E.M. Forster, & Maya Angelou); Mentions of authors & books (Grace Livingston Hill, E.M. Forster, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, & Emily Dickinson); A few mentions of hotel investors believing it’s their fault that an employee is skimming the cash registers because they are under paying him & the employee complaining about his wage being too low to set aside a retirement (however, they are planning for his replacement); A mention of Downton Abbey in the author’s note.
Sexual Content- A hand kiss, a barely-above-not-detailed kiss, a border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed kiss, and two semi-detailed kisses; Touches, Embraces, Dances, Hand holding, Nearness, & Smelling (up to semi-detailed); Remembering touches, embraces, & dancing (up to semi-detailed); Blushes; Noticing (including muscles, up to semi-detailed); Flirting; Abby thinks Jack is a rake at first; Abby’s cousin and sister plan to have one week to decide on the man they will “place [their] deepest affection and unswerving devotion” (apart from the Lord, who should remain first in their hearts) on for the rest of the summer and if they are “exceptionally lucky”, they will receive a kiss; Mentions of kisses, kissing, & wanting to touch (including a mention of Abby’s seventeen-year-old sister wanting to run her hands through a handsome boy’s hair); Mentions of flirting, flirts, & blushes; Mentions of handsome men, beaus, & Abby’s boy-crazy companions; A few mentions of jealousy; A few mentions of broken hearts; A few mentions of chaperones; A mention of a girlfriend; Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
             *Note: After seeing him for the first time, Abby wonders if Jack likes her brown eyes, but thinks about how almost every heroine in novels having blue eyes; Abby wonders if she lets Jack into her life, if he will “clip her wings” or “enable her to soar” (she wonders this a couple of times, once adding about “didn’t most men want subservient wives who spent hours in the kitchen and provided them with offspring?”). 
-Abigail “Abby” Greenwood, age 21
-Jackson “Jack” Gable, age 28
                                P.O.V. switches between them 
                                          Set in 1907
                                                        191 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

I really struggled with this book—but not due to any major content problems, because of the classic-style writing style this story was told in. It’s no secret that I’ve never been a classics fan and I would be very curious to see what those who do enjoy classics would think about this book. I found that there were way too many detailed added in that added very little to the plot, such as described of all the trees, her dresses, and the food everyone orders at the hotel. I frankly grew bored at times and had this book been longer, I probably would have marked it as a DNF, but because it was under 200 pages, I decided to stick with it. 


There’s a handful of mentions of events that took place prior to this story starting that feel like it’s hints of prior books, but I don’t see that there are connecting books with these characters. On that note, some readers who are not Pentecostal may be uncomfortable with the mentions of a revival that the main characters went to prior to this book starting and the mentions of miracles that are said to have happen there.  


We have more details about her clothing and attraction to him, and very little that made me cheery for them as a couple. I did find it a little annoying that she didn’t want to fall for him (yet was obviously doing so) but when he asked twice if he could kiss her, she said yes. I don’t understand how she had a good head on her shoulder for most of the book but didn’t realize that intimate action would affect her emotions/feelings towards him. (It doesn’t help that I really didn’t care for him because of some glimpses of pride/an attitude.) 


Overall, I don’t have any major content concerns with this book, it was just a massive miss for me and not my cup of tea. I do think some readers will enjoy it (perhaps those who really enjoy Grace Livingston Hill’s books) and the writing style, but I was unfortunately not one of them.



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.


Friday, August 23, 2024

"Hide and Seek" by Beth Adams

About this book:

  “When a gardener brings Harriet Bailey a beautiful purebred bloodhound he found wandering around—and trampling Miss Jane Birtwhistle’s roses—she discovers the dog belongs to Lord Beresford, White Church Bay’s own reclusive baron. But when Harriet goes to the manor to return the dog, the noble owner is nowhere to be found. Did he leave of his own free will, or is foul play involved? As Harriet searches for answers, she uncovers long-buried secrets about the baron and his family… secrets that might be better off staying hidden.
    Meanwhile, at the encouragement of her Aunt Jinny, Harriet steps out of her comfort zone to meet new people. Gemma, a young and ambitious reporter, is clearly interested in getting to know Harriet. But when information Harriet told her new friend in confidence is published in the local paper, Harriet has to Is Gemma truly seeking her friendship, or is she merely using Harriet to get the latest scoop about the missing man?”

Series: Book #2 in the “Mysteries of Cobble Hill Farm” series. Review of Book #1 Here!

Spiritual Content- Prayers; Devotional times & Bible reading (a few times); Mentions of God; Mentions of prayers, praying, thanking God, & blessings over food; Mentions of Bibles, Bible reading, & devotional times; Mentions of those & events in the Bible; Mentions of churches, church going, a pastor, a Sunday school class, & choir robes; Mentions of a christening; A mention of stained glass at a church;
             *Note: A mention of art of Greek and Roman mythology.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: A ‘dumb’ and an ‘idiot’; A bit of eye rolling; A journalist gets excited/animated about the idea of a murder (which makes Harriet uncomfortable as if that actually happened, it isn’t a joking matter); All about many mentions of a missing person, possible foul play/murder/violence (including the possibility of running away after murdering someone), possible injuries, & drops of blood; Mentions of someone possibly drowning & having to search for a body; Mentions of crimes; Mentions of lurkers, a dog possibly being kidnapped and held for ransom, & purebred dogs sometimes being stolen; Mentions of protests against those with titles, threatening letters, & threats; Mentions of a decanter; Mentions of injured animals & Harriet’s veterinary clinic treatments (including vaccines); A few mentions of deaths (including two from cancer); A few mentions of a jewel heist (Book #1 and spoils the ending on that book with these few mentions); A few mentions of lies & lying; A few mentions of gossip & rumors; A couple mentions of a man having a seizure; A couple mentions of almost car accidents; A couple mentions of possible break-ins; A couple mentions of arrests; A mention of a sickly children who passed before his first birthday; A mention of blackmail;
             *Note: A few comment by Harriet about women not having the same rights as men (not overly feminist leaning; mostly when discussing inheriting titles and how some still only go to the son & then later when a daughter is “little more than a footnote” in the story of the men in her family in regards to titles/property); Mentions of car brands; Mentions of authors & books (classics); A couple mentions of brand names (Coke); A mention of Jackie O; In the note from the author, she compliments England, but notes that not all of the country’s history is to be admired, “that world thing about colonizing half the world is generally recognized as a misstep now”; A comment at the very end of the book in the bonus content mentions an estate where Bridgerton and Brideshead Revisited were filmed.
Sexual Content- *Major Spoilers but Important Note for Parents* At the end, it’s revealed that the missing Baron (Liam) went to his brother because he has learned that they are half-brothers and that all of the titles/properties should have gone to the brother instead as their biological fathers were different; Liam’s biological father was a married man who was close to the parents that raised him and it’s commented on that Liam isn’t sure if his mother knew who his biological father was; Liam and his brother decide not to share this with many because they don’t want their mother’s memory being questioned as she made “an error in judgement that resulted in [Liam’s birth]. [The brother] won’t have her name dragged through the mud for that.”; It is never said if it was an affair or anything of the sort and is more-or-less brushed under the rug; Liam’s brother doesn’t care who the biological father was as his brother is still his brother *End of Spoilers*; Mentions of boyfriends/girlfriends, dates, dating, & break-ups; A few mentions of a possible affair & illegitimate children;
             *Note: A mention of a skintight prom dress.
-Harriet Bailey, age early thirties
                                P.O.V. of Harriet 
                                                        272 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

Maybe it’s the British country setting, but this book and the prior one had such a charm to the storyline! I always like discovering a new cozy mystery series and this one was been great so far! 


I figured out some parts of the mystery as the book continued, but the final piece...I didn’t like that element, though it was kept light/clean. I’ve noted it in the Sexual Content Spoiler section and would be the main reason I didn’t give this book the same ratings as the first book in the series. If there’s any moms of pre-teens that are curious about this book, I would suggest reading the spoiler to make a decision. 


I’m looking forward to the next book as it’s by an author I’ve enjoyed many books by.



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Monday, August 19, 2024

"Target Acquired" by Lynette Eason

About this book:

  “Tough-as-nails Kenzie King has finally earned her place as a tactical medic on a SWAT team. But not everyone on the all-male team accepts her. Rumor is, she didn't get the position because of what she could do but because of who she knew. Which means she has to work harder and longer than anyone else to prove herself.
    Cole Garrison is a man with deep faith who is finally ready to settle down and build a family of his own--if he can find the right person, that is. Kenzie sure has set off his interest meter, but trouble seems to follow in her wake. Since she joined the team, someone has begun to ambush and pick off team members, one by one.
    It's all hands on deck to discover the culprit and end the killing. Can Kenzie and Cole put aside their differences and work together as a team? Or will their budding attraction be snuffed out by a sniper's bullet?”

Series: Book #2 in the “Lake City Heroes” series. Review of Book #1 Here!

Spiritual Content- Prayers & Thanking God; ’H’s are not capital when referring to God; Mentions of God & Jesus; Mentions of prayers, praying, thanking God, & blessings over food; A few mentions of churches, church going, & church events; A couple mentions of those & events in the Bible; A mention of Heaven; A mention of faiths;
             *Note: A couple mentions of VeggieTales; A couple mentions of some not believing in jinxes; A mention of someone who has passed not being at her grave, but in Heaven.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: A ‘good grief’, a ‘oh my word’, a ‘sheesh’, a ‘ticked’, two ‘dang’s, three forms of ‘heck’, four ‘dumb’s, eight ‘idiot’s, ten ‘stupid’, and eleven forms of ‘shut up’; A mention of someone working her “tail” off; A few mentions of curses (said, not written); Eye rolling & Sarcasm; Lots of Attacks/Ambushes, Fighting back, Hostage situations, Being shot at, Gunfire, Explosions, Being stabbed, Being attacked, Being hit, Being kidnapped and tied-up, Being held at gunpoint & threatened, Nearly being hit by a car, Being drugged, Pain, Injuries, Blood/Bleeding (semi-detailed); Seeing someone shot and killed by a sniper (barely-above-not-detailed); Seeing a criminal attempt to commit suicide (with a gun, but is stopped, barely-above-not-detailed); A SWAT K-9 attacks a shooter on command (up to semi-detailed); In the flashbacks, there is a young woman being held at a mental hospital against her will (she is told she tried to commit suicide and has bandages on her wrists; She has to go through shock therapy (barely-above-not-detailed); *Spoilers* She recalls that her sociopath father was actually trying to kill her and tries to escape from the hospital with help from a doctor and a friend; She eventually leaves under the guise of being submissive so her father will take her back home and is kept in their home like a prisoner until she is later successful in later running away from him *End of Spoilers*; There is a comment from Cole and Kenzie about people not knowing how to deal with mental illness back then and that a lot of people don’t know how to deal with it today either); Many mentions of an attempted murder, suicide attempts, a mental hospital, it being a terrible place with abuse and shock therapy, screams from those there, & someone being held there against her will (up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of hostage situations, explosives/bombs, fires, weapons, gunfire, shooters, people being shot, attacks/ambushes, concussions, pain, injuries, stitches, & blood/bleeding (semi-detailed); Many mentions of the car accident that killed Kenzie’s mother & made her father paralyzed (including mentions of possible foul play, her grief for her mother; *Spoiler* The brakes were cut and while her mother wasn’t supposed to be in the car, she was a victim of the murder attempt *End of Spoiler*); Mentions of World War II, deaths of brothers, & grief; Mentions of other car wrecks, deaths, & injuries; Mentions of other deaths (including from a heart attack, fires, cancer, & a hunting accident *Spoiler* The last one was not an accident and was murdered *End of Spoiler*); Mentions of domestic violence; Mentions of being drugged & kidnapped; Mentions of someone nearly being hit by a car & a slashed tire; Mentions of fires & arsonists; Mentions of a break-in & and intruders/burglars; Mentions of stealing & stolen items; Mentions of crimes, crime scenes, criminals, prison/jail & arrests; Mentions of alcohol, drinking, & drunk driving; Mentions of drugs, drug overdoses, dealers, addicts, & rehab; Mentions of lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of jealousy & hatred; Mentions of rumors; Mentions of Kenzie’s parents having marital difficulties & sleeping in separate rooms; A few mentions of battlefields & tours overseas; A few mentions of bullies; A few mentions of jealousy; A few mentions of lice; A couple mentions of stalkers; A couple mentions of blackmail; A couple mentions of a man leaving his family; A couple mentions of teens sneaking out & parties; A couple mentions of urine; A couple mentions of throwing up; A mention of possible internal bleeding;
             *Note: Kenzie and her father have a very strained relationship due to his bitterness and how he would always put her and her brothers against each other when they were growing up (verbal abuse included) (When she thinks of her father, it’s said “now there was a subject worthy of a multitude of therapy sessions” and while she loves him, she spends as little time as possible with him for her own mental health; She also does not do well with apologies because they would be thrown back in her face growing up as it showed weakness; She tries to avoid thinking about how she always felt she had to earn her father’s love; She comments that it took her five years of counseling to understand that nothing is wrong with her); Eliza in the historical setting thinks about how she used to relish her father’s approval; Kenzie has a team member that doesn’t like her because of her gender (he makes comments and snide remarks towards her and her abilities; Others and herself stand up for her, but it does get to her at times as she feels she’s proven herself over and over again); Mentions of crime in areas where people are “poor and desperate” and the SWAT team wanting to show that police officers can be good (also a mention of kids being trapped in their situations and some kids being leery towards the police); Mentions of a child battling anemia & needing blood transfusions; Mentions of brand names (M&M’s, Hershey chocolate bar, Snickers, Jell-O, Coke, Band-Aid, Motrin, & Scrabble); Mentions of car brands; A few mentions of a movie & an actor (Tom Cruise & Shemar Moore); A few mentions of apps/websites (FaceTime, Zoom, & Google); A couple mentions of Alzheimer’s & dementia; A couple mentions of Uber; A mention of Kenzie using a picture of someone on her punching bag for her type of therapy; A mention of HGTV.
Sexual Content- Two cheek kisses, an almost kiss (up to semi-detailed), three barely-above-not-detailed kisses, and a semi-detailed kiss; Staring at another’s lips & Wanting to kiss (barely-above-not-detailed); Touches, Embraces, Nearness (up to semi-detailed); Wanting to touch & embrace (barely-above-not-detailed); Noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); Cole says he’s not a player because he doesn’t lead anyone on, but Kenzie says he “plays the field”; Cole doesn’t want to cross the line with Kenzie as he is her supervisor; A guy is called “hunky”; A ‘smoking hot’; Mentions of boyfriends/girlfriends, dates, dating, break-ups, & exes; Mentions of flirting & blushes; Mentions of attraction; A few mentions of guys stealing other guys’ girls; A few mentions of crushes; A couple mentions of kisses & kissing; A mention of a couple kissing; A mention of jealousy; Attraction & Longing; Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
             *Note: Kenzie thinks that she has great legs thanks to exercise & a friend compliments her on them; A couple mentions of a man being interested in a woman who is fifteen years his junior.
-Kenzie King, age 34
-Cole Garrison
                                P.O.V. switches between them & Six Flashbacks to 1947
                                                        304 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

Trigger Warning: Scenes at a mental asylum & mentions of suicides

I really enjoyed the first book of this series, so I’ve been excited to read this one as soon as it released. I would definitely say I liked the first book more, but it was neat to see behind the scenes of a SWAT team as I’m not sure if I’ve read about one of those before. 


I’ll admit to when I opened the book and saw a long list of the cast of characters and how everyone was connected, I got a little nervous for this book. Thankfully, I was reading a Kindle edition so I was able to search for names to keep track of them all as I read, but it did take me out of the story because I couldn’t keep everyone straight. 


The historical parts of this book felt a little shoehorned in and dramatic. Not that it couldn’t have happened—this is fiction overall—but it pull me out of the contemporary setting where all the action and suspense was happening. I knew both times would eventually intersect together, but for the first half of the book, I felt kind of meh on those parts. 


I will say that the dialogue and pacing felt a little off to me at times, but I still mostly enjoyed the book and am looking forward to the third book when it releases next year!



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

*I received this book for free from the Publisher (Revell) for this honest review.

Friday, August 16, 2024

"The Broken Branch" by Erynn Mangum

About this book:

  “Jess Callahan is not ok.
    Two months ago, Jess got a phone call that changed her life forever. Her dad had been in a car accident and her mom was now alone, trying to manage the goat farm Jess grew up on by herself. Going back to New Mexico was never a part of Jess' plan, but here she is - stuck in New Mexico and stuck in her faith.
   Where was God when the accident happened? If He's truly all powerful and truly loves them, why did God allow her dad to die? How can a loving God be so cruel?
   Wrestling both with her thoughts and the goats, Jess is faced with a Will the accident wreck her faith as well? And when her childhood friend shows up, will she set aside her stubbornness and accept the help?
  Jess' story of loss is a delicate weaving of grief, redemption and hope.”

Series: A stand-alone novel. 

Spiritual Content- Psalm 46:10 at the ending; Many Scriptures are read, quoted, mentioned, thought over, & discussed in a sermon; Prayers, Praising God, & Blessings over food; Church going, worship, & a sermon; Many talks about God, why bad things happen, Heaven, grief, & having Hope; 'H's are capital when referring to God; Jess isn’t on great terms with God after the death of her father & doesn’t believe God care about how hard it is on her family or that God made a huge mistake, later adding that if feels as if God is against her; Jess recalls prior to the accident when she would read her Bible and everything was amicable with her and God & wonders how much of it was her just following the rules and doing what she knew she was supposed to do; *Spoiler* Toward the end with love, prayers, and discussions with her mom and Trey lead Jess to read different Scriptures and while she may not understand why her father died, she will trust God *End of Spoiler*; Many mentions of God & Jesus; Many mentions of churches, church going, pastors, sermons, services, hymns/songs, youth group; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food; Mentions of Bibles, Bible reading, & Scriptures; Mentions of those & events in the Bible; Mentions of Heaven; A couple mentions of Christians; A couple mentions of Christian radio stations; A mention of a miracle. 

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a form of ‘crap’, a ‘gosh’, a ‘holy cow’, an ‘idiot’, a ‘for Pete’s sake’, a ‘ticked’, a ‘sheesh’, a ‘stupid’, two forms of ‘dumb’, & three ‘dang it’s; When Trey comments on “what they say about assuming”, Jess baits him to see if he’ll say the word in front of her and her mother, but he deflects with the mention of a teacher they both had that would throw out the “occasional curse word”; Sarcasm & Eye rolling; Pain, Injuries, & Blood/Bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); Grief & some guilt/what-ifs (up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of Jess and her family’s grief, the sudden death of her father, & lightly the details of how it happened (car accident, up to semi-detailed on everything else); Mentions of other deaths (from cancer & a brain tumor); Mentions of divorces & a father leaving his family; Mentions of lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of predators attacking and killing goats and chickens (barely-above-not-detailed); A couple mentions of child abusers; A mention of murderers; A mention of a hostile government attacking another one; A mention of a bombing; A mention of puke; A mention of a rabid raccoon killing a rabbit; 
             *Note: Mentions of goats going through labor with some blood/details & having constipation (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of TV shows, movies, & fictional characters (Seinfeld, American Idol, Phineas and Ferb, Gilmore Girls, Day After Tomorrow, The Princess Bride, & Miracle on 34th Street); Mentions of Starbucks; Mentions of brand names (Pepsi, Coke, Carhartt, Band-Aid, LL Bean, & Motrin); Mentions of car brands; Mentions of social media platforms; A few mentions of anxiety (including Jess panicking that her mom could be killed or paralyzed); A few mentions of restaurants & places (Sonic, Cracker Barrel, Ace Hardware); A few mentions of Hallmark movies; A couple mentions of sleeping pills given to help with anxiety; A mention of a Disney movie; A mention of a zombie apocalypse.
Sexual Content- A head kiss, a cheek kiss, four not-detailed kisses, two barely-above-not-detailed kisses, and a semi-detailed kiss; Touches, Embraces, Hand holding, Warmth, Nearness, (borderline barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); Blushes & Winks; Noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of girlfriends/boyfriends, dating, & dates; Mentions of crushes & broken hearts; Mentions of girls fawning over Trey when they were growing up; Mentions of prom; A few mentions of kisses & kissing; A couple mentions of flirting; Some love, falling in love, & the emotions.
-Jessica “Jess” Callahan, age 27
                                  1st person P.O.V. of Jess 
                                                        220 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

{Add up to a full star for those who have recently lost loved ones.}

I knew this book would make me cry. 

It did. Many times in fact, eight times to be exact. Plus another seven times of the words going blurry on my screen. (Honestly, I was already tearing up at the end of the first chapter.)


I hate to say that this book was relatable because that feels weird to say about a book with such a focus on grief. Maybe a better way to say it would be that I felt seen. My grief of losing a sibling is obviously much different than Jess’ or the author’s grief of losing a parent, but I felt so many of the same emotions she felt and questions that she had. Saying that grief is hard is an understatement, but this book handled it so well with discussing the Hope we have to have while we grieve, to focus on Jesus during those times. I truly wish I had this book a year ago, but it was still a balm to my healing heart, as cheesy as that might sound.  


On another note: I love how male leads in Erynn Mangum’s books encourage the main girl in her faith. I’ve easily read 2000+ Christian Fiction books over the years and rarely do I ever see a male lead do this like I see in a book by this author. This is part of the inspiring faith content I sign up for when I read an Erynn Mangum book. I love it. Add in that Trey in this story is Jess’ brother’s best friend and I was tickled pink at the sweet romance. It wasn’t the main focus of the book as that’s definitely more about Jess’ grief and what’s next for her, but it was there and weaved through the book in such a natural way.


This book may have made me cry, but it was also so healing to my scarred heart. An excellent book to say the least. 



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.