Wednesday, February 19, 2025

"The Dress Shop on King Street" by Ashley Clark

About this book:

  “Harper Albright has pinned all her hopes on a future in fashion design. But when it comes crashing down around her, she returns home to Fairhope, Alabama, and to Millie, the woman who first taught her to sew. As she rethinks her own future, secrets long hidden about Millie's past are brought to light.
    In 1946, Millie Middleton boarded a train and left Charleston to keep half of her heritage hidden. She carried with her two heirloom buttons and the dream of owning a dress store. She never expected to meet a charming train jumper who changed her life forever . . . and led her yet again to a heartbreaking choice about which heritage would define her future.
    Now, together, Harper and Millie return to Charleston and the man who may hold the answers they seek . . . and a chance at the dress shop they've both dreamed of. But it's not until all appears lost that they see the unexpected ways to mend what frayed between the seams.”

Series: Book #1 in the “Heirloom Secrets” series.

Spiritual Content- A few Scriptures are quoted & remembered; Prayers & Thanking God; 
Talks about God, His plans, & dreams/goals that are from Him; 'H's are capital when referring to God; Rose in the prologue thinks that “If God thought her life worth living without her daughter, who was she to question His timing?”; Peter notes that it was a lot easier to hear God’s voice when he no longer allowed his stepfather’s “disapproval to scream inadequacy over his life”; Millie senses a voice that is “altogether separate from her own” tell her she is adored and feels purpose by it; *Spoiler* Towards the end, Millie realizes that somewhere along the way, she stopped believing that God was good and trusted in her own ability to keep her daughters safe, which lead to major fear and anxiety; She feels God talk to her in “a place within Millie’s heart so very deep one might call it her soul” and prays for Jesus to be her Savior and to watch over her and her family *End of Spoiler*; Harper questions why God gave her “such an out-of-reach dream”; Towards the end, Harper’s father talks to her about Ezekiel and the dry bones coming alive & *Spoiler* she realizes her gifting/dream is actually to repair broken places and things; Harper feels a voice inside of tell her about her gift and the intent for it (Supposed to be God, but no Scriptures are referenced) *End of Spoiler*; Mentions of God & His plan; Mentions of prayers, praying, Mentions of churches, church going, ministers/preachers, services, & Sunday school; Mentions of a place being called “the Holy City”; A few mentions of Jesus; A couple mentions of Bibles & events from the Bible; A couple mentions of “Amazing Grace” & another song; A mention of the rapture; A mention of the pope; A mention of a place feeling like holy ground; 
             *Note: “Heavens” is exclaimed once and “what the heavens” is said once; The phrases “sweatin’ like a sinner in church”, “come hell or high water”, “thank heavens”, and “Heavens to Betsy” are all said once; Millie thinks about the lowcountry traditional about blue paint keeping ghosts out and while she doesn’t believe in ghosts, she knows about having a haunting past and wonders if ghosts are just a fictional version of the ache when your heart wants something that’s gone; Mentions of places feeling magical or like magic; A few mentions of being lucky (Millie’s mother says this about Millie and Millie disagrees with it); A couple mentions of fate; A mention of shadows turning into monsters or fairies; A mention of a sunshine rain being said to be when “the devil was beatin’ his wife”.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘drat’, a ‘heck’, an ‘idiot’, a ‘stupid’, a ‘suckers’, a ‘what in Sam Hill’, a ‘what in tarnation’, two ‘confounded’s, and three forms of ‘darn/darn it’; Some eye rolling & sarcasm; A young Millie thinks that her mama doesn’t like her using the word ‘darn’, but that “thinking ain’t the same as saying. Restraint had to count for something, right?”; Harper tells Millie that she doesn’t like to swear and instead wants to give her word about keeping a secret; Some pain, injuries, & blood/bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); Going through a cyclone (up to semi-detailed); Seeing someone punch another & blood/bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); For a brief moment, Rose in the prologue thinks about using a knife for another purpose (hinted suicide); In the 1940s, Millie sees a Black woman with a baby caught train jumping and being hit by a train worker; Millie doesn’t lie per se to a woman about her relationship with a man, but doesn’t tell the truth until she is directly asked about it; Millie starts to agree with her mother about “some secrets were better kept quiet” as she gets older, but starts to have major fear and anxiety about keeping secrets; Harper tells Peter about the time she nearly drowned (up to semi-detailed); *Spoiler* Millie feels the air sucked from her chest randomly when Franklin, her husband, dies even though she’s not with him *End of Spoiler*; Many mentions of slavery, slaves and a child being sold, & Black people being attacked/beaten (including a young mother in the 1940s and Millie’s father being killed); Mentions of Millie’s father being killed for protecting her when other men tried to attack her for playing with their children and for loving a Black woman (the men weren’t prosecuted because they said it was self-defense); Mentions of deaths (including of a father, mothers, and husbands by a boating accident, murder, illnesses/cancer, and war), grief, & anxiety/fear after the death of a loved one; Mentions of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being arrested, a bomb at a church, & little girls being killed (Millie panics that this could have happened to her family, up to semi-detailed); Mentions of wars, deaths, & the Great Depression; Mentions of illnesses (including coughing up blood and cancer) & deaths (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of illegal train jumping, chain gangs, & injuries; Mentions of a fire; Mentions of thieves & stealing; Mentions of alcohol, a wine cellar, & drunks; Mentions of parents disowning their children (including a stepparent); Mentions of lies, lying, liars, deception, & guilt; Mentions of nightmares; Mentions of a young Harper being uncomfortable with seeing crabs dying and eating them; A few mentions of a cyclone & potential deaths; A few mentions of blood/bleeding; A mention of lynchings; A mention of a place burning down; A mention of poison in a movie; A mention of tobacco; A mention of divorce; A mention of college parties; 
             *Note: The prologue opens in 1860 with a Black mother learning her nine-year-old daughter been sold; A young Millie faces a young man looking at her in disgust, calling her “filthy”, and pushing her when he finds out about her being half Black (*Spoilers* He later makes a snide comment about her place and throws a brick in Millie’s family’s home/business; This is the catalyst that makes Millie’s mother want her to pass herself as a white woman and leave to go to another place to start fresh *End of Spoiler*); Millie has a lot of parts where she feels torn and upset at having to hide part of her heritage and it creates major fear in herself especially when *Major Spoilers* she is pregnant and concerned how the baby will look; She gives birth to twin girls, one lighter than the other and gives the light-skin baby to her mother-in-law to raise as her own; This breaks both Millie and Franklin’s hearts to do, and they question often if it is right; Millie tells Franklin the truth about her heritage after giving birth and comes up with this plan, despite neither of them wanting to do it, but having to for the sake of their daughters and what it would mean if they were raised as twins; Millie frequently forgets to eat and wakes up in a panic because of it all; One of the girls tells Millie about a boy calling her an awful name and that if she had any siblings, everyone would see what he already knew—“that either my mother had something to hide or my daddy wasn’t really my father”, adding that “colored people don’t belong beside while people” and that she or her mother will get hurt or someone will light their home on fire (not said with kindness or as a warning, but mean spirited); Towards the end, when the girls are sixteen, Millie tells them the truth about her heritage and the two of them being sisters *End of Spoilers*; Recalling men calling a little biracial girl a horrible name; A man tells Millie that his family doesn’t care about someone’s race, but they do care if there is a scandal following the family name; All about & many, many mentions of prejudice, hatred, racism, racial violence, & different things being illegal based on skin color (such as marriage to someone outside their race & going to places only meant for one race); A young man says that women shouldn’t run businesses (1940s); Peter’s stepfather had lofty expectations for him and they are no longer in contact after the death of Peter’s mother; Peter has a panic attack (up to semi-detailed); Harper feels like a failure at her dream/goal that she’s worked on for years when she is discouraged by an expert in the field & hears a voice inside of her say negative things like “your dreams will never amount to anything” (*Spoiler* At the very end, she realizes that it wasn’t her true dream and discovers the actual version *End of Spoiler*); Millie tells Harper “none of that feminist rubbish” when she wants to carry her own bags and there is a man available for doing that; Millie says she’s usually “the first one to advocate for women having equal opportunities”, but wonders if Harper needs more driving lessons; Harper refers to her shoe collection as “therapy heels” as she often buys them when upset; Going to Starbucks; Many, many mentions of pop culture references, brand names, celebrities, songs, places, TV shows, movies, & books (Coca-Cola, Chanel No. 5, Peanuts comic strips, Tupperware, Swiffer, WD-40, Plinko, Saks Fifth Avenue, Anthropologie, Target, Starbucks, Forever 21, Pacific Sunwear, Hobby Lobby, Lowe’s, Five and Dime, Aiken-Rhett mansion, Oz, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Darcy, Sherlock Holmes, BBC, Gilmore Girls, Saved by the Bell, I Love Lucy, American Bandstand, Titanic, Sabrina, Casablanca, Notorious, The Notebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Etsy, WebMD, Southern Living, Benny Goodman, Hugh Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergam, Lucille Ball, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Seacrest, Meg Ryan, Katharine Hepburn, Reese Witherspoon, J. Lo, Alfred Hitchcock, Edgar Allen Poe, Langston Hughes, Longfellow, F. Scott Fitzgerald, John Keats, Emily Dickinson, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Ella Fitzgerald, Celine Dion, Taylor Swift, Etta James, Ed Sheeran, Frank Sinatra, “Rocking’ Robin’”, Walter Cronkite, Coco Chanel, Tiffany & Co., Dior, Vans, Little Golden Books, & ‘The Glass Menagerie’ book); A couple mentions of historical figures (John Wilkes Booth & Rutledge); A couple mentions of Bluetooth; A mention of a car brand; A mention of NASA.
Sexual Content- An almost kiss (semi-detailed), three hair/head kisses, two not-detailed kisses, a barely-above-not-detailed kiss, and four semi-detailed kisses; Remembering kisses & an almost kiss (up to semi-detailed); Staring at lips & noticing others doing it (barely-above-not-detailed); Touches, Embraces, Dancing, Warmth, Sparks/Tingles, Flutters, Smelling, & Nearness (x2, up to semi-detailed); Wanting to touch & embrace (barely-above-not-detailed); Noticing & Staring (border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); Blushes, Flirting, & Winks; A bit of jealousy; Rose in the prologue shares that the father of her daughter is a white man and it can be read into that the man was a wicked owner; *Spoilers, but important content note about a fade-to-black scene* Millie and Franklin are assumed by a innkeeper to be a newly married couple and gives them a room together; Franklin sleeps on the floor while Millie takes the bed, expect for when he was sick and she insisted he sleep in the bed beside her, so he placed two pillows between them; The innkeeper realizes they aren’t married and says she’ll make an honest couple out of them if they agree to get married; They get married and it’s implied they do not consummate the marriage after they’ve been married for five years; Millie needs help from her husband to zip and unzip her dress, it’s mentioned it’s right passed her bra line, he is always a gentleman with his zipping duty, and that she has come to look forward to these close moments between them; A couple mentions of Millie longing for Franklin; A hinted fade-to-black scene happens after they imply they love each other, he kisses her, and then takes her “willing and oh so ready” over the threshold; She is pregnant in the next chapter and after giving birth, tells him the truth about her heritage; At first, Franklin thinks that Millie had loved another man as one of the babies doesn’t look like him and questions if they are even his babies before being told the truth *End of Spoilers*; Harper has a thought that a man (Peter) is good looking enough to be a model for a charity calendar; Mentions of kisses & kissing; Mentions of flirting; Mentions of handsome men; Mentions of dances; A few mentions of dates; A couple mentions of possible affairs; A mention of swooning; Love, attraction, falling in love, & the emotions (x2);
             *Note: Labor pain, giving birth, & passing up (including some mentions of blood/bleeding and nearly losing a wife because of blood loss, up to semi-detailed); Harper notices she’s gained some weight because of a sweet treat; A mention of hormones; A couple mentions of nursing & leaking milk.
-Millicent “Millie” Middleton
-Franklin Pinckney
-Harper Albright, age 26
-Peter Perkins, age 28
                                P.O.V. switches between them & Rose (Prologue only)
       Dual Time Period (Contemporary & has chapters from 1860, 1946-49, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1968, 1992, 2008 & 2011)
                                                        369 pages

Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

I’ve had this book (and the rest of the series) on my shelf to read for a long while now, particularly because of it being a dual time period. Those aren’t my favorite because I usually prefer one setting over the other and it feels like two connecting novellas smashed into each other. This book had elements of that at times. 


After finishing it, I feel as if I’ve been through an emotional rollercoaster. So many parts of this story broke my heart in so many ways. The injustice in this book that these characters face made my vision turn red and make me ready to fight some other characters for being so ugly. This is definitely on the heavier side because of the themes of this book and topics discussed. 


I did have a time trying to keep everyone straight and their time period details as there is a lot to keep up with. And then you add in all the connections and possible connections, I almost made a family tree with notes about everyone. ðŸ˜… That said, I was impressed with how the author weaved everything together and how it all came together. I wasn’t sure what would happen in the last half of the book as the first half felt like the whole story, but there were still hard times ahead for these characters. 


Because of the heavy themes of racism, racial violence, and a very light hinted fade-to-black scene between a married couple, I would put this book at 16/17+ for sure; potentially older for some girls, but if she is interested in or doing a study on African Americans in the 1940-1960s, this book gives an up close and personal—and tough—look into it. 


In the contemporary setting, Harper’s excuse for not being able to fall for Peter was really weak, in my opinion, but I struggled with her character anyway. She felt like a Debbie Downer. I really liked Peter and his nerdiness, though, I have to say I wasn’t very invested in the modern day setting of this book in general. I didn’t like the third act break-up/argument between them and thought it was just added in for some tension. It didn’t make sense to me and had a rushed conclusion. 


If I could nitpick something, it would be all the pop culture references, particularly in the modern setting. We have a young woman in the historical setting that is going through major and heartbreaking events—and then in the modern time period Harper is being whinny about wasting her time trying to be a designer and listening to Taylor Swift. It was jarring and made me feel very little sympathy for Harper because of her pity-party moments when Millie has been through so much worse. I know we’re not supposed to compare tragedies or grief with others, but it can put our own minor inconveniences into perspective at least. 


I’m coming away from this book with a new perspective and having done more research on topics and events discussed that I didn’t really know about prior to reading this book. It was definitely educational in that way and made me realize the amount of change that has happened in the last handful of decades. But it was also heavy. The modern setting tried to lighten it up some, but other parts of the book were so sad. There is an underline of hope, though, that kept the book from dragging down into the pits, so to speak, which I was grateful for.




See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Friday, February 14, 2025

"A Noble Warrior" by Lucy Peterson

About this book:

  “What would happen if you wear a mask for so long, you forget who you truly are beneath it?
    Ever since the Mouse King usurped his parents’ thrones, Cassian Erich has been on the run, seeking safety far away from any hint of his old self. But after only two years of shaky peace, a disastrous meeting sends him stumbling back into the Mouse King’s hands, and once again, his life is in danger. Hunted, he must decide whether or not the mask he has built for himself is worth the cost of his kingdom.
    A prince or a nut farmer. One identity will see him killed. The other, an entire country destroyed.
    For the past two years, Marie Stahlb’rin has spent her life pretending she is no longer affected by the death of her younger sister and hiding the pain she can’t let go of. But when a failed assassination attempt on her best friend thrusts her into a world of treachery, she finds herself with no choice but to face the past.
    Betrayals, secrets, and danger abound when a prince must choose between picking up a sword for his country or protecting the mask that saved his life.”

Series: Book #10 in the multi-author series, “Cornerstone”. It does not seem to be connected to any other books, however. A stand-alone novel. Click on the books to be taken to that review: Book #1, Book #2, Book #3, Book #4, Book #5, Book #6, Book #7, Book #8, and Book #9!

Spiritual Content- God is called “Mender” in this book; Prayers & Thanking the Mender; Talks about the Mender, Him being with someone, & having peace and strength; 'H's are capital when referring to the Mender; Cassian thinks that the Mender doesn’t see or care about him or his prayers; *Spoiler* Towards the end, Cassian realizes that he can’t save himself but the Mender can and can also give him strength; Cassian prays for forgiveness and asks the Mender for help, which he feels peace after doing *End of Spoiler*; Mentions of prayers & praying; 
             *Note: A couple mentions of trolls (one of them being a young boy saying his mother says he talks faster than a snow troll; unsaid if these are actual creatures in this land or fictitious creatures).

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: The fictional-world phrases ‘what/who in the Divide’ and ‘what in the Divided Lands’ are said a total of ten times; Eye rolling & Sarcasm; Lots of Fighting, Attacks, Being held at knife-point and cut, Being beaten/attacked, Being tied-up, Being put in a prison, Injuries, Pain, & Blood/Bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Remembering attacks, deaths of loved ones, running away from assassins, & blood (plus dreaming about it, up to semi-detailed); *Spoiler for a death* Seeing someone stabbed and fall out a window to their death (up to semi-detailed) *End of Spoiler*; Seeing fighting/attacks, injuries, pain, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Grief (for parents and a younger sister, border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); Many mentions of assassinations/murders, deaths (including of loved ones like parents and a younger sister), grief, a coup, & the attack by raiders (up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of fighting, attacks, being held at knife-point, injuries, pain, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of a prisoner & prison; Mentions of rumors; A few mentions of criminals; A couple mentions of nightmares; A mention of a fox getting a dead rabbit; 
             *Note: Cassian recalls PTSD-like symptoms after being attacked and how walking through rustling grass would remind him of being held at knife-point or it being another assassination attempt.
Sexual Content- A few embraces & hand holding; A bit of warmth, nearness, & noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); A few mentions of blushes; A tiny bit of very light love, being in love, & the emotions.
                               1st person P.O.V. switches between them & The Mouse King (x2)
                                                        208 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

I was a bit confused at first by the writing style, but I was curious about the plot, so I tried not to let it distract me! That action scenes were written well, I thought—and there was a lot of them! I had to feel for Cassian throughout this book as he goes through many beatings (quite literally), but especially at the end. The ending was really good, but I would have liked to see our couple together more, personally. The very light romance was nice, however. I just would liked a wee bit more as I wasn’t even fully sure Cassian and Marie had feelings for the other in a romantic way.


Overall, a sweet story with lots of action! I also liked the different angles of the Nutcracker story and how this book would be great to read right as fall is turning into winter.



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Show Stopper" by Shirley Raye Redmond

About this book:

  “As Harriet Bailey is examining Petey, a charming Scottish terrier, she learns about the world of dog shows from his owner, Gwen. Amazed at the commitment and dedication it takes to compete in such an event, she wishes them luck in their upcoming major London competition. But when Harriet receives a frantic call from Gwen, she learns that Petey is missing and that Gwen is convinced someone stole the prize pup!
    Could someone be trying to prevent Petey from participating in the dog show? Harriet will pull out all the stops to help Gwen find her pet before the big day. Petey’s disappearance is not the only mystery Harriet has to solve. When Detective Constable Van Worthington discovers an old dog collar with a medal for canine gallantry attached, he brings it to her.
    Harriet sets out to discover the story behind the medal and its strange and fascinating journey to White Church Bay.”

Series: Book #5 in the “Mysteries of Cobble Hill Farm” series. Review of Book #1 Here!, Book #2 Here!, Book #3 Here!, and Book #4 Here!

Spiritual Content- Ephesians 4:25 at the beginning; A handful of Scriptures are mentioned & quoted; A couple Prayers; A talk about a sermon & parable; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Church going; Mentions of God & a parable of Jesus’; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food (including a prayer that Harriet hopes the Lord doesn’t think is frivolous); Mentions of churches/cathedrals, church going, church events, pastors and priests, sermons, & services; Mentions of blessings & being blessed; A mention of godly wisdom from a pastor; A mention of it being miraculous what animals can do (saving people); 
             *Note: A mention of someone saying a search and rescue dog goes “where angels fear to tread”.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘dumb’ and an ‘idiot’;  The phrase “bomb the stuffing out of us” is used once in a letter from World War II; A bit of eye rolling; Letters dating back from World War II talk about bombings, fires, building being destroyed, people trapped (including children), search and recovery efforts, & deaths (up to semi-detailed); All about & many, many mentions of a missing or kidnapped dog, stolen dogs, the kidnapper, the owner being extremely worried, & ransom notes (*Major Spoiler* The dog was stolen by a grandmother for her granddaughter who wanted her dog to have puppies after she’s been injured; The grandmother asked about the stud fee, but it was too much and ends up taking the dog in a moment of weakness, later feeling terrible about doing it; The woman does not want her husband to find out what she’s done and he owner does not press charges *End of Spoilers*); Many mentions of ill and injured animals and pets (including ones that Harriet takes care of such as a cat covered in gasoline, a goat with a broken leg, a hedgehog that wasn’t taken care of properly, an abandoned rabbit, birds with broken wings, and trying to save the life of a baby alpaca); Mentions of both World War I and II, the blitz, bombings, fires, bomb shelters and damage, search and rescue efforts, people trapped, & deaths (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of deaths (including war-related deaths, cancer, & pneumonia) & grief (including for a wife and a mother); Mentions of a young girl being seriously injured by a hit-and-run driver & most likely going to be in a wheelchair and paralyzed for the rest of her life; Mentions of thieves, stealing, & criminals/looters stealing from corpses; Mentions of crimes & prison; Mentions of animals rescuing people (such as dogs rescuing people from drowning, cats alerting owners to fires, and mare that protected children from a wild boar); Mentions of animals and pets being homeless and injured during bombings in World War II; Mentions of lies & lying; Mentions of gossip & rumors; Mentions of children sent to the countryside or even Canada to be safe from the war; A few mentions of a farming accident & a man missing fingers because of it; A few mentions of bullies & a boy being bullied; A few mentions of extortion; A few mentions of puppy mills & the terrible conditions the dogs were kept in; A couple mentions of seeing people you know being killed, burned, maimed, and buried in the rubble during a World War II blitz; A couple mentions of other wars; A couple mentions of 9/11; A couple mentions of dogs being stolen for illegal dogfighting (described as a “despicable and illegal sport”); A couple mentions of an “urban legend” about horrible animal experiments; A couple mentions of a dog being hit by a car and paralyzed & a cat being found in a burning dustbin (Harriet’s grandfather’s pets who she now has); A couple mentions of betting on a dog show; A couple mentions of the possibility of a dog nipping someone when hurt; A couple mentions of nightmares about something bad happening to a beloved pet; A mention of gangs; A mention of threats;
             *Note: Mentions of Harriet vaccinating animals; A few mentions of car brands; A couple mentions of books & authors (including the Brontë sisters & Wuthering Heights); A mention of Jack the Ripper; A mention of BBC.
Sexual Content- A bit of noticing, staring, & blushes (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of dates & dating (regarding Harriet’s assistant and how many single young men were “dogging her heels”); Mentions of dog breeding, hoping two dogs with “mate”, & requests for a prize dog to be a stud; A couple mentions of a kissing booth at a church event (in 1942 and is no longer a feature of the event); A couple mentions of crushes.
-Harriet Bailey, age 31
                                P.O.V. of Harriet 
                                                        252 pages

Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

Watching the National Dog Show is always a tradition for my family on Thanksgiving day (and noting that when the beagle doesn’t win, it’s all rigged, obviously) so I was excited about this book! It was also neat to have the mystery of a historical collar and metal being found and all elements that went with that. There were some letters from the dog’s owner to a family member throughout the book that added to the historical plot-line. Being a dog lover, I have to admit that I did tear up a couple of times about Rip and his important work—the unconditional love of a dog is so special! 


I would say this was my favorite in the series so far, but that’s not really shocking because of the dog mysteries. :)


For potential younger teen or even preteen readers, this series has been very clean so far, but I will note that this book mentions a dog being a stud for breeding and has a few mentions of puppy mills (and the deplorable conditions) and illegal dog fights along with mentions of events in WWII like bombings and death, which may be upsetting for younger readers to learn and/or read about. There are very little details, however, so it may only bother those very sensitive to animals or death.



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Friday, February 7, 2025

"A Noble Past" by Anna Augustine

About this book:

  “A Lord Marshal with a secret. An outlaw with a hidden past. A chance encounter that will change everything.
     With the evil sheriff overthrown and Robin Hood now the Lord Protector of Nottingham, Little John finds himself of a Lord Marshal—protector of Nottingham and Sherwood and seeker of mercy and justice. But John has a secret, one not even his best friend Robin knows and one he can never tell him. To lie to Robin Hood is to court death.
     Wren of Sherwood has been an outlaw for years, ever since her brother up and left their family. Hiding in Sherwood with her ‘siblings’, they all have one goal—to rid Nottingham of Robin Hood.
     But when a lord marshal appears, asking to join their little band, Wren is conflicted. The more time she spends with this gentle giant of a man, the softer her heart becomes. Despite the bitterness and anger so deeply rooted in her heart, Wren can’t help but question everything she’s believed about Providence, Robin, and even her own self.
     When danger arrives for them, Wren must decide—is she willing to let go of her past to embrace a future worth living? Or is she going to remain rooted in the bitterness of her past?”

Series: Book #9 in the multi-author series, “Cornerstone”. It does not seem to be connected to any other books, however. A stand-alone novel. Click on the books to be taken to that review: Book #1, Book #2, Book #3, Book #4, Book #5, Book #6, Book #7, and Book #8!

Spiritual Content- A Scripture is quoted & remembered; Prayers; Throughout the book, God speaks to both Wren and John through thoughts in their minds; Singing a hymn (John); Talks about God, Providence, trusting Him, people being called home, sins, & our reactions to bad things happening; Most 'H's are capital when referring to God; Wren recalls how she used to go to Mass and listen to a friar “drone on and on about God’s justice, hellfire, and eternal damnation for those who refused to submit to Him”; Wren no longer wants anything to do with Providence as she believes He hasn’t showed her mercy with what she’s gone through & thinks that Providence cares little for her; Despite this, Wren asks where God is, but feels fear at her prior comments and thinks that God won’t bother to do anything for her anyway; Though John knows that Providence has redeemed him and given him mercy, he thinks there’s a darkness dogging his heels; John and Wren discuss about bad things happening and why God would allow it to happen; John struggles to believe the things he preaches to others can be applied to him; *Spoilers* Towards the end, John has a moment where he sees a man (supposed to be God or Jesus), is overwhelmed by the emotions, and believes in the forgiveness he is offered; Wren also has a conversation with God in her mind, after a bit she says that she trusts God, realizes that God has been guiding her steps and never abandoned her, & feels peace *End of Spoilers*; Mentions of God, Providence, trusting Him, & a calling; Mentions of Mass, going to Mass, & friars; A couple mentions of thanking God; A couple mentions of the Ten Commandments; 
             *Note: ‘Good heavens’ and ‘Heaven above’ are both said once; Wren thinks that perhaps kissing someone is “the evidence [she needs] that Providence does exist” and wonders if God is really out there and cares for her in that moment; Wren comments that she’s shocked Robin Hood allows his men to be religious as she views him as a thief and a liar; Wren curses chance, Providence, or “whatever cosmic being” is nipping at her heels; A man says for the Devil to wreck havoc on someone’s life (meant as a curse); Mentions of chance; Mentions of people looking like they saw a ghost; A couple mentions of a young man seeing evil and it corrupting him.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘blasted’ and nine forms of ‘idiot’; The phrase “I kicked his—“ is cut-off; A few mentions of curses and slurs (said, not written); Eye rolling & Sarcasm; Lying; Fighting, Being attacked, Being held at knife-point, Pain, Injuries, & Blood/Bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Killing someone (stabbing) & seeing the person’s death (*Spoiler* John with an evil man and he feels no shame for killing the man *End of Spoiler*, up to semi-detailed); John fights the urge to beat a man senseless & imagines killing him (barely-above-not-detailed); Wren notices that John talks about killing an evil man as if it would please him and would be as “simple as slaughtering a pig or cow”; Wren hunts and kills a stag (border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed on the animal being shot and the noise it makes; She hates killing it, but it is for food for her and the others) & John kills a rabbit (barely-above-not-detailed); John drinks wine at a dinner; Mentions of killing, deaths (from fevers and an allergic reaction), seeing a loved one’s death, guilt, grief (including for a mother and sisters), & murderers; Mentions of children being abandoned & abused (including one flinching and agreeing that he is an idiot when someone who is stronger than him says so); Mentions of an abusive father (Wren’s father who also threw a goblet of wine at her, barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of fights/fighting, injuries, pain, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of robbing others, thieves/bandits, & stealing; Mentions of crimes, criminals, arrests, treason, & prisons; Mentions of deceit, lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of gossip & rumors; Mentions of hatred; Mentions of alcohol (wine and ale), drinking, & a mean drunk; Mentions of hunting, hunters, preparing the animals, & poachers; A few mentions of a war & assassination attempt that resulted in the death of a guard; A few mentions of possible torture; A few mentions of children being over worked; A few mentions of a death in a bar fight; A couple mentions of a group of children being found next to their dead mother (barely-above-not-detailed); A couple mentions of the dead bodies of a man’s enemies (and how it doesn’t matter the person’s age, gender, or crime to be killed by the man); A couple mentions of a woman being slapped by a man; A couple mentions of Robin Hood shooting a man with arrows for lying to him (barely-above-not-detailed); A mention of an almost execution; 
             *Note: Wren tells herself that she doesn’t matter and that she never will; John recalls the negative words of his father including calling him a failure (*Spoiler* and a murderer *End of Spoiler*); Wren has a couple moments of anxiety attacks/panic attacks (up to semi-detailed); John believes Robin and Wren will look at him differently and hate him due to events in his past and keeping it a secret (*Spoilers* John’s little sister had an allergic reaction to a bee sting and died under his watch, this causes his father to call him a murderer and John has guilt over it *End of Spoiler*).
Sexual Content- Two forehead/head kisses, two barely-above-not-detailed kisses, three border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed kisses, and a semi-detailed kiss; Wanting to kiss (not-detailed); Staring at lips; Touches, Embraces, Hand holding, Butterflies, Shivers, & Nearness (including sitting on a man’s lap, up to semi-detailed); Noticing (up to semi-detailed); A bit of flirting, winks, & blushes; When kissing, Wren thinks that perhaps it is “the evidence [she needs] that Providence does exist”; An older young man wears a shirt that shows “too much of his chest”, is called a predator, gets into Wren’s space and holds her tight, & says that Wren is his to “wed, bed, torture, destroy. Whatever [he sees] fit.” if she fails a promise; John is concerned another man may have used Wren for “his own whims, whether monetarily or bodily” and gets angry at the thought; One of the young men in Wren’s group likes her as “a man sees a woman” and she does not reciprocate the feeling; A few mentions of kisses & kissing; A few mentions of flirting & winks; A couple mentions of a newly married couple touching, holding hands, & kissing; Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
             *Note: John teases a newly married couple about them not being able to visit until after the noon hour.
-Wren, age 22
-John, age 25
                               1st person P.O.V. switches between them 
                                                        153 pages

Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

I’ve decided that the reason why I like Robin Hood retellings is because they usually always have the found family trope and that is one I always like reading. This retelling wasn’t necessary a straight retelling, however, as it’s set after the events of the classic Robin Hood story. Robin has married Maid Marian and the Merry Men have broken apart. “What happens next for Little John?” is what this book covers and I really liked that angle. 


At first, I thought Wren wasn’t very smart with how she dealt with John at their first meeting and then how he follows her. For being on her own for six years, I was expecting more from her in that area. She did grow on me, though, and I quite liked the twist of the book. 


The emotions in this book felt a bit like sucker-punches at times. Both Wren and John are hurting and while he can believe in God’s mercy for others, he has a hard time believing it for himself. He reminded me of Marcus from “This Life of Mine” by Victorian Lynn in that way. Wren feels abandoned by God and struggles with her past. They both have to learn about truly trusting God and it happened pretty naturally for a book that’s only 150 pages. 


I will note that I obviously didn’t like the villain and his comments towards Wren. Those parts and the hunting details made the suggested age ratings and my own personal rating lower. I do think if you’re okay with or maybe even enjoy more gritty storylines this probably be no problem as there's the Hope of having a relationship with God as a main topic. But, just as a note for sensitive readers, this book might be harder to read at times.



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

"Falling for Forever" by Katherine Robles

About this book:

  “Hillary needs a major change in her life. She's stifled by an entry level IT job in the Virginia suburbs and longs to move to Washington D.C. where she can make a difference in the world.
    When Javier comes to her rescue in Great Falls National Park, Hillary likes everything about him except for the gorgeous fiancé hanging on his arm. But things are not as they seem. He enlists her help to renovate a homeless shelter, and romance blossoms over paintbrushes and pipes until a career-launching opportunity arises.
    Hillary can chase her dreams, but they might cost her Javier's heart.”

Series: Book #2 in the “Romance in the Park” series. Review of Book #1 Here!

Spiritual Content- A devotional at the end of the book has 1 Thessalonians 5:15 quoted and a prayer; A handful of Scriptures are mentioned & quoted; Prayers & Thanking God; Talks about God, His plans, doing what God wants, & being significant to Him; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Hillary struggles with the idea of God wanting her to be at her current job because she thinks she is capable of doing so much more than that (Javier tries to talk to her about this); Hillary wrestles with a couple bitter and sarcastic thoughts about things not happening if it’s not God’s will; Hillary wants to scream to Heaven when upset; Hillary’s older sister talks to her about being significant to God; Mentions of God, listening to Him, & helping others; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food; Mentions of churches, church going, & hymns; A few mentions of those & events in the Bible; A few mentions of miracles; A few mentions of being blessed; A couple mentions of Mother Teresa; A mention of showing Christian Love; A mention of Lent; A mention of Christian music;
             *Note: Hillary lies and thinks “lying about the obvious wasn’t a sin, right?”; Hillary joins a campus ministry that organizes hikes for all the “religious groups in an effort to promote unity”; When Javier shares an upbeat attitude about something, Hillary thinks that she is “dating Dalai Lama” and adds “If your job sucks, don’t worry, you’ll reincarnate as a butterfly”; A couple mentions of Dalai Lama and reincarnation.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘crummy’, a ‘heck’, a ‘sucks’, two forms of ‘crap’, two ‘dumb’s, four ‘idiot’s, and eleven forms of ‘stupid’; Eye rolling & Sarcasm; Hillary lies a couple of times; Mentions of a civil war in Guatemala, Javier’s parents’ villages being destroyed, living in a refugee camp, and believing most of their families died; Mentions of lies, lying, & liars; A few mentions of wars & Nazis; A few mentions of a trucker having a “pee jar” (which makes Hillary wonders if it’s less gross for a guy because they “could aim” and hopes that someone created a portable seat for female truck drivers); A couple mentions of drownings; A couple mentions of a bar fight & someone being hungover; A couple mentions of a restaurant bar; A couple mentions of jealousy; A couple mentions of smoking & a pipe; A couple mentions of a mule pooping; A mention of college parties; A mention of a historical tavern; 
             *Note: Hillary struggles with the thought of being stuck in her day-to-day routine (the monotony of it) and wants more for herself (she feels this way particularly herself, but also towards her parents; She struggles to understand her parents enjoying what she thinks is a “stagnant life” and can be harsh towards them, which Javier calls her out on; *Spoiler* She realizes towards the end that Javier was right and she doesn’t treat them with the respect she should and tries to spend more time with her parents and learning their reasons for doing things; Hillary also tries to be more content with her job by the end *End of Spoiler*); A few mentions of politicians & celebrities (Thomas Jefferson, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, & Martin Luther King Junior); A mention of NASA putting a man on the moon.
Sexual Content- A hair kiss and a border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed kiss; Touches, Embraces, Hand holding, Shivers/Tingles, Nearness, & Smelling (up to semi-detailed); Noticing (including muscles, up to semi-detailed); Flirting, Winks, & Blushes; Hillary thinks that Javier is engaged but still flirting with her, and while she feels guilty for enjoying the attention, she shuts him down as she thinks he is either “the world’s sweetest man or an unfaithful rotten fiancé”; Hillary doesn’t want to be tempted further by Javier when she’s under the impression he is engaged; After Hillary realizes she didn’t have all the information about what she saw, she thinks Javier isn’t a two-timing jerk like she thought; Javier teases Hillary about playing footsies with him when their ankles accidentally touch; Mentions of dates, dating, boyfriends/girlfriends, crushes, & break-ups; Mentions of flirting; A few mentions of kisses & kissing; A few mentions of cheating & cheaters; A few mentions of Hillary not wanting to steal another woman’s man or drool on him; A mention of a couple making out; A mention of a forbidden romance (Hillary thinks about her and Javier not having one); A mention of men flocking to a gorgeous woman; A mention of a group of “hormonal young people”; A mention of a “testosterone-soaked” activity (demolition of a house); Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
             *Note: When climbing with Javier, Hillary notes that she doesn’t want to be in front of him or he will be staring at her backside, but she doesn’t want him to go first either, so they go side by side; Hillary teases her father about liking to watch baseball because of the players’ tight pants (she’s mostly kidding and tries not to think of Javier in tight baseball paints); A few mentions of butts; A mention of a woman’s “curvaceous figure”.
-Hillary Jacobs
                                P.O.V. of Hillary 
                                                  184 pages

Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

While reading, I wished there was Javier’s POV because I think that would have been helpful to see! I was stressed about the thought of him being engaged and flirting with her, so once that’s cleared up, I enjoyed the book much more, haha! Hillary does have her moments of being prideful, but lessons are eventually learned. This was one of the few times I approved of the third-act break-up in a book because Hillary needed to figure out how important she is to God and not focus so much on what she’s missing. The ending was a bit rushed because of it, but it was overall a cute story and safe for older teens.




See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

*I received this book for free from the Author for this honest review.