Friday, July 29, 2016

"Mandie and The Foreign Spies" by Lois Gladys Leppard

About this book:

  “Mandie, Celia, Mrs. Taft and Senator Morton arrive safely in London and take Jonathan, the young stowaway from Mandie and the Shipboard Mystery, along with them.
  A telegram from an unknown source is waiting for Mandie and an unexplained message has been left at their hotel. Who is so interested in what Mandie is doing? And why don't they sign their names? Is this a new adventure-or danger?
  When they decide to deliver Jonathan to his aunt in Paris, adventure begins. But what at first seemed like a simple mystery turns into a dangerous trap and an encounter with the disappearing stranger.
  Mandie's in Paris and so are the spies!”

Series: Book #15 in “Mandie” series. (To read the reviews of the previous books in this series, click the number to be taken to that review:
#1! #2! #3! #4! #5! #6! #7! #8! #9! #10! #11! #12! #13! #14!) {There also is the “Young Mandie Mystery” series, (Book #1 review Here and Book #2 review Here!) but they do not connect together well}

Spiritual Content- Isaiah 58:9 at the beginning; Prayers; A couple Scriptures are prayed; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Uncle Ned referrers to Heaven as the “happy hunting ground”.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘dumb’, a form of ‘sissy’, and three ‘shucks’; A bit of sarcasm.

Sexual Content- A bit of jealousy; Mentions of crushes; Mentions of Joe & Mandie marrying when they’re older.

-Amanda “Mandie” Shaw, age 13
                                   P.O.V. of Mandie
                                              Set in 1901
                         159 pages (also available in a collection with four other Mandie books.)

Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating-
Another good Mandie mystery! These Europe ones are some of my favorites. :)

See y’all on Monday with a new review!

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Winners of the Giveaways!

Hi y’all!
Welcome back to BFCG! It felt quite odd to me for not blogging during this small break, but I had a super special time on my mission trip! I hope to share some pictures on my website once I get over this jet lag and go through them all. :) No new review today, but I’ll have one up on Friday!
Let’s get to the winners!

Winner of A Dream of Home by Amy Clipston is…. Kelly Y.! 
Winner of Like a Flower in Bloom by Siri Mitchell is…. Susan D.! 
Winner of Love in Disguise by Carol Cox is…. Nabila!
Winner of The Princess Spy by Melanie Dickerson is…. Sophia Marie R.!
Winner of First Date by Krista McGee is…. Amanda C.!

Wow! If your name is listed on one of those lines, check your email please! I have sent you a note asking you for your address and then I’ll be able to mail your book!
Thank you all so much for entering! I’ll see y’all back on our regular schedule of book reviewing starting this Friday!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Announcement, Excitement & Giveaways!

Hi everyone!
I’m sure most of y’all are here for the giveaways, but before I get into all that, I need to share an announcement! There will be no new reviews from July 13th to July 25th. I will be on a student/mission trip and won’t be blogging. If you already follow me on Instagram (@lindseyfrombfcg) you’ll know this info, but if not, feel free to follow me on there as I hope to be able to share some pictures during it all. :)
To celebrate that BFCG has reached 100,000 pageviews (Nope, this girl can’t even) and this special mission trip, I'm pulling out the confetti cannons and I’ve got ten BFCG-approved books to giveaway!  {USA only again, y’all! Sorry about that! Ends the 27th at 12:00am CST.}

   {Click on the graphic to see my full review of each book.}













And that’s them! Thank you all so very much for supporting BFCG and please do continue to share this blog with your friends (giveaway entries! ;) ).
If you’re new to Books for Christian Girls, hang out a while and check out some of our reviews! Welcome to the site! :)
Lots of hugs, y’all!