Friday, May 7, 2021

"The First Love" by Beverly Lewis

About this book:
  “It's the summer of 1951, and Maggie Esh is in need of some hope. Sweet-spirited and uncommonly pretty despite struggling with chronic illness, she is used to being treated kindly by the young men of her Old Order Amish church district. Yet Maggie wishes she were more like other courting-age girls so she could live a normal, healthy life.
   To make matters more complicated, Dat has recently remarried, less than a year after her mother died. And while her stepmother is kind, Rachel is much younger than Mamm, and she simply doesn't understand Maggie or her illness the way Mamm did.
   When tent revival meetings come to the area, Maggie is curious, and the words of the Mennonite preacher challenge her to reconsider what she knows about faith. Can she learn to trust God even when hope seems a distant dream?”

Series: As of now, no.
Spiritual Content- Scriptures are read, quoted, mentioned, thought over, & discussed in a sermon; Prayers; Going to revival meetings; Yearning to reading the Bible; Talks about God, His will, faiths, & healing; ‘H’s are capitalized when referring to God; Many mentions of God, His will, faiths, & healing; Many mentions of revival meetings, an evangelist, proclaiming one’s faith, testimonies, & singing; Many mentions of the Amish beliefs, church going, services, deacons/bishops, singing hymns, youth activities, & being baptized; Mentions of prayers, praying, & blessings over food; Mentions of Bibles & Bible reading; Mentions of those & events in the Bible; Mentions of Mennonites; Mentions of blessings & being blessed; A few mentions of Heaven; A few mentions of miracles; A few mentions of going to college to be a minister; A mention of a Billy Graham crusade;
             *Note: A couple mentions of a “powwow doctor” that uses chants to cleanse people.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a form of ‘stupid’; Many mentions of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis & Maggie’s pain; Mentions of injuries, pain, blood/bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); A mention of crime; A mention of tobacco; A mention of raising cows to slaughter;
             *Note: [Not necessarily a negative point, but a trigger warning to those who have lost their mother: Mentions of a mother’s death & missing her;] A couple mentions of car brands & brand names.
Sexual Content- A married couple flirting, kissing, snuggling, & embracing (barely-above-not-detailed); A couple Touches & Nearness (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of dates & blushes; Mentions of crushes & puppy love; Mentions of being jilted; A few mentions of handsome young men; A couple mentions of wanting to have babies with your husband; A couple mentions of a boy dating more than one girl at a time; Very slight Love, falling in love, being in love, & the emotions (x2).
-Maggie Esh, age 17-18
-Rachel Esh
                                P.O.V. switches between them (1st person in the Prologue & Epilogue)
                                              Set in 1951 (Prologue & Final Chapter in 1998)
                                                        296 pages

Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating-
Being an Amish book, while reading, I completely forgot that this book wasn’t set in contemporary days, but set in the 1950s. That was different but also not because of the lack of phones wasn’t noticeable. ;)

I would consider this book to be on the lighter side for the romance side—especially one tilted “The First Love”. (Though I think it’s more about Maggie’s relationship with Christ than a boy.) Because Maggie is around the age to start courting and getting married, it’s mentioned and a young man has her interest, but it’s definitely not a romance driven plot, which I found refreshing.

There was a lot of faith content in this book which I really liked seeing. It was a light read and very clean, though there were a few moments that had a harder time keeping my attention because it was an easier read. So that’s why I only gave it three stars personally, but it was a good, clean read. :)

See y’all on Friday with a new review!

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

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