“How would you protect those you love from the wolf in sheep's clothing?
It was impossible to escape The Wolf for long. Stories of men captured and beaten were the only stories that spread of The Wolf. No one lived past the snap of his claws, or so was the gossip on trembling lips.
None were brave enough to risk the ire of the assassin who had survived as the king’s lapdog since childhood.
Sebastian Quilian was raised in terror.
Now a man or more a monster, The Wolf lived his life carrying out the tyrant king’s order—to assassination the former royal Bellatrixian king and the Salvador family line.
Born to long ago forgotten parents, Sebastian grew up in the charge of Cassius Salvador, under the old man’s thumb Sebastian realized young that he would never find freedom while Cassius lived.
Secrets grew upon secrets until he couldn’t breath and all that was left of the young, lost, little boy who once dreamed of home was The Wolf.
The Wolf knew that soon the past would catch up with him, yet he didn’t expect it to happen with the past to come in the form of death and those who held a blood given right to the throne, he knew that the past was now lost, but could he find hope in the future?
He couldn’t help but want to protect those he has come to love as he searches for a way to rise above his past sins and mistakes after finding the Truth.”
Series: Book #7 in the multi-author series, “Cornerstone”. It does not seem to be connected to any other books, however. A stand-alone novel. Click on the books to be taken to that review: Book #1, Book #2, Book #3, Book #4!, Book #5!, and Book #6!
Spiritual Content- Isaiah 26:4 at the beginning & each chapter starts with 1-3 Scriptures; Prayers; Talks about God; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Sebastian isn’t sure he believes in God but catches himself begging an “unseen God” for forgiveness & for protection for his family; Sebastian comments that “faith means nothing when there is no protection against flesh and blood” and River comments that they will be discussing that thoroughly later; Both Heather and River witness to Sebastian and try to talk to him about God; River is concerned that Sebastian will find himself as not savable or worth salvation; *Spoiler* At half-way through, Sebastian asks for God to forgive him; Later, he makes a negative comment about God not caring to keep up the farce in front of someone else and feels guilt at the lie; Sebastian continues to ask God’s forgiveness during the rest of the book *End of Spoiler*; Mentions of God, trusting Him, the Truth, & forgiveness; Mentions of prayers & praying; Mentions of churches & a preacher; A couple mentions of miracles; A couple mentions of becoming a Godly man; A couple mentions of a man who lived in “sinful willfulness” being saved;
*Note: Sebastian considers himself too steeped in the evil of the world.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘dratted’, an ‘idiot’, and three ‘stupid’s; Eye rolling & Sarcasm; Seeing deaths/murders, Fighting, Being attacked/beaten, Being kidnapped, Being tied-up, Being held at sword-point, Being poisoned, Pain, & Injuries (up to semi-detailed); Sebastian was molded to be the perfect assassin from a young age and kills people under the orders of a cruel king and also destroys places/homes by setting them in fire and kidnaps a young woman (barely-above-not-detailed); Sebastian believes that the king would kill his family in front of him and then drag out torturing him to threaten Sebastian to remain loyal to the him; Sebastian has a war inside himself about getting revenge on the person who made him an assassin; Many mentions of deaths, killing, assassins, ordered killings/deaths and plans to kill someone, & torture (including Sebastian being tortured from a young age and his concern over his younger brothers being tortured); Mentions of a war & fighting; Mentions of a poison & it causing horrible pain; Mentions of kidnappings & a young child disappearing and being assumed dead; Mentions of injuries, pain, & blood/bleeding (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of fires & setting them (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of treason; Mentions of lies & lying; Mentions of a tavern; Mentions of hunting (rabbits); A couple mentions of executors; A couple mentions of bullies; A couple mentions of gossip & rumors; A mention of a robbery.
Sexual Content- A cheek kiss and two hair kisses; A few touches & embraces; A mention of a father most likely not being married to the mother of his child; A tiny bit of love, falling/being in love, & the emotions.
-Sebastian Quilian
-River Quilian
P.O.V. switches between them
112 pages
Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating-
This book had such good potential! I was lost for a bit going into this book, but I eventually was able to follow along well enough, I think. I did have more than a few moments where I feel like I missed something (such as the romance—when did that happen??) It felt a little jumpy because of the flashbacks throughout the book, but I did really like the message that was shown of never being too far gone for God’s forgiveness. I think this book could have used at least another hundred pages to make the story flow better, but at its bare bones, it still had a good message.
See y’all on Friday with a new review!
*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
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