“Harriet Bailey’s job as a veterinarian often means reassuring pet owners about their adored animals. So, when a local resident is distraught over her missing cat, Harriet does her best to calm the woman’s frayed nerves, advising her to wait a bit to see if the cat returns on her own. However, the arrival of a mysterious envelope containing a ransom note immediately proves Harriet wrong. Someone has taken Nessie!
As Harriet investigates, she discovers that Nessie is the subject of her late grandad’s most valuable painting, due to the highly publicized story of how Old Doc Bailey rescued and rehomed her as a kitten. When more pets are nabbed, Harriet redoubles her efforts to find the thief. In her search for answers, she discovers old tape recordings of her grandad sharing the stories behind his artwork. Could Old Doc Bailey’s own words about Nessie be the key to reuniting the famous feline and the other animals with their families?”
Series: Book #6 in the “Mysteries of Cobble Hill Farm” series. Review of Book #1 Here!, Book #2 Here!, Book #3 Here!, Book #4 Here!, and Book #5 Here!
Spiritual Content- Ephesians 4:32 at the beginning; A Scripture is mentioned & quoted; Church going; A couple Talks about God; ‘H’s are capital when referring to God; Harriet feels comforted by being in church and not alone while in His presence; Mentions of God; Mentions of prayers, praying, thanking God, & blessings over food; Mentions of church, church going, services, sermons, & a pastor; Mentions of blessings; A mention of Bible study;
*Note: The phrase “thanking his lucky stars” is said once; A mention of jinxing one’s self; A mention of tempting fate.
Negative Content- A bit of eye rolling; Some grief (Harriet for her grandfather & starting to feel homesickness); All about & many mentions of missing/stolen/abducted pets, the culprit and motives, the worried owners, & ransom notes (including a threatening note); Many mentions of break-in, a stolen painting, & the thief; Mentions of deaths & grief (including for a grandfather, a wife, & a mother); A few mentions of jail; A few mentions of a pub; A few mentions of lying & a liar; A few mentions of jealousy; A couple mentions of rumors; A mention of a car accident; A mention of a cat being rescued from a burning bin;
*Note: Mentions of a car brand; A mention of an author (Ernest Hemingway).
Sexual Content- A tiny bit of noticing & blushes; A handful of mentions of dates & dating; A couple mentions of blushes; A mention of an implied handsome man (Polly when she tries to watch the new handyman).
-Harriet Bailey, age 31 (?)
P.O.V. of Harriet
257 pages
Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating-
It drove me a bit batty that Harriet doesn’t have cameras around the clinic or the galley, but I suppose having cameras doesn’t always solve the problem of who is trespassing and up to no good.
I actually wasn’t quite sure who the culprit was until the end when everything was revealed, so this mystery kept me on my toes as well. That doesn’t happen too often, so I would say I was invested in and impressed by this mystery!
Like many of the other books in this series, this sixth book was very clean and I would say it’s safe for avid reader preteens as well, especially those who like animals.
See y’all on Friday with a new review!
*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
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