Monday, July 12, 2021

"For the Birds" by Emily Thomas

About this book:

  “Coraline Watson brings her yellow-naped Amazon parrot to the library one night for the Birder's Club meeting, and Liddie takes an instant liking to the beautiful bird. Anne doesn't pay much attention to Coraline's wild stories about spies from a nearby chemical company, until the next morning, when the parrot, Lorenzo, appears at Liddie's window. Anne tries to return the bird, but Coraline's house is dark and empty, the front window is broken, and no one knows where Coraline has gone. Did she stumble across some actual intrigue? Are her theories true about the chemical company trying to steal a local bird refuge for its own use? Or has Coraline managed to abscond with the Birders Club funds?
   Meanwhile, Liddie is taken with Lorenzo and wants a parrot of her own. There's even a cage in the attic it could live in. When Anne examines the cage, she realizes it was built for carrier pigeons. Did Aunt Edie own them? Anne's research leads to a fascinating discovery in the great aunt's past.”

Series: Book #19 in the “Secrets of the Blue Hilly Library” series. Reviews of #1 Here, #2 Here, #3 Here, #4 Here, #5 Here, #6 Here, #7 Here, #8 Here, #9 Here, #10 Here, #11 Here, #12 Here, #13 Here, #14 Here, #15 Here, #16 Here, #17 Here, #18 Here, #20 Here, #21 Here, and #22 Here!

Spiritual Content- Prayers & Thanking God; ‘H’s are capitalized when referring to God; Mentions of God & His creations; Mentions of prayers, praying, blessings over food, & Thanking God; Mentions of Bible reading & devotional books; Mentions of churches, church going, a reverend, & sermons; A few mentions of someone being a blessing & being blessed; A couple mentions of Bible studies; A mention of a miracle; A mention of a church’s youth group; A mention of a hymn; A mention of a Christian radio station.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘shut up’, a ‘stupid’, and five ‘dumb’s; A bit of eye rolling; All about many mentions of a missing person; Mentions of crimes, break-ins, burglaries, burglars/thieves, & criminals; Mentions of missing money, possibly being robbed, & stealing; Mentions of threats; Mentions of tattoos; A few mentions of wars; A few mentions of wondering if a person would commit suicide; A few mentions of fires; A few mentions of rumors; A few mentions of (not) cheating on a text or in a contest; A few mentions of a child misunderstanding that people are shooting birds; A couple mentions of a car accident & deaths; A couple mentions of a possibility of someone being kidnapped/abducted; A mention of hunters;
             *Note: Mentions of books, movie, & actors (Pride and Prejudice, The Birdman of Alcatraz, Burt Lancaster, John Wayne, & Roy Rogers); A few mentions of car brands; A few mentions of children’s books; A couple mentions of Disney & a song; A couple mentions of Hello Kitty; A couple mentions of an iPod.
Sexual Content- A couple mentions of an older lady commenting on others being unchaperoned or out too late with a boy; A mention of a first kiss; A mention of high school sweethearts.
-Anne Gibson
                                P.O.V. of Anne
                                          266 pages

Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating-
While I enjoy listening to the birds’ songs outside in my backyard (or more particularly, our front yard), I can’t say I’m a “birder” (bird watcher). I did find this mystery to be interesting, but I enjoyed the parts about homing pigeons the most. It was a little slow at times, but that’s pretty normal for Guidepost mysteries.
See y’all on Friday with a new review!

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to have come across this site! Thank you for doing this!
