Monday, June 27, 2022

"Where the Road Bends" by Rachel Fordham

About this book:

  “As Norah King surveys her family land in Iowa in 1880, she is acutely aware that it is all she has left, and she will do everything in her power to save it--even if that means marrying a man she hardly knows. Days before her wedding, Norah discovers an injured man on her property. Her sense of duty compels her to take him in and nurse him back to health. Little does she realize just how much this act of kindness will complicate her life and threaten the future she's planned.
    Norah's care does more than aid Quincy Barnes's recovery--it awakens his heart to possibilities. Penniless and homeless, he knows the most honorable thing he can do is head on down the road and leave Norah to marry her intended. But walking away from the first person to believe in him proves much harder than he imagined.” 

Series: No, a stand-alone. (Does mention a couple of the characters from the author’s other books in passing, no spoilers.)

Spiritual Content- A few prayers; A couple talks about God; ‘H’s are not capitalized when referring to God; Mentions of God; Mentions of prayers, praying, & thanking God; Mentions of churches, church going, pastors, & sermons; A few mentions of a Bible & Bible reading; A few mentions of Heaven; A mention of a godsend;
             *Note: A few mentions of evil men; A couple mentions of a rooster being called a “devil bird” or a “devil rooster”; A mention of the demons tormenting a person.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘blast it all’, an ‘idiot’, a ‘what in tarnation’, and two ‘blast/blast you’s; Mentions of curses (some by Quincy, said, not written or cut-off); A bit of eye rolling; Being shot, pain, passing out, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Hitting, Fighting, Fights, Pain, Passing out, Injuries, & Blood/Bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Quincy was a fighter (fighting people for money); Many mentions of deaths, bodies, pain, passing out, injuries, blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of fights, fighting, beatings, & injuries (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of thinking that you’re going to be killed & a woman being badly bruised by a man (Norah); Mentions of a drunk man with a gun & him shooting someone (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of potentially dead or injured animals & vultures attacking carcasses or humans (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of stealing & a thief; Mentions of jail & criminals; Mentions of gambling, betting, & debts; Mentions of alcohol, drunks, & saloons; Mentions of lies, lying, & liars; Mentions of gossip & rumors; A few mentions of children being beaten in fights to get the crowd excited; A few mentions of nightmares; A few mentions of jealousy/envy; A few mentions of tobacco & smoking; A few mentions of killing animals for food; A couple mentions of women/girls running away from abusive situations; A couple mentions of a mother leaving her family & then the father leaving as well; A couple mentions of a father telling his young son that he’ll never amount to anything & that he doesn’t want him; A mention of a girl being beaten by her uncle;
             *Note: A mention of Nora’s siblings dying when they were babies.
Sexual Content- Five fingers/hand kisses, two nose kisses, six cheek kisses, four forehead kisses, a head/hair kiss, two not-detailed kisses, two barely-above-not-detailed kisses, a border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed kiss, and two border-line semi-detailed // detailed kisses; Wanting to kiss someone & Staring at another’s lips (barely-above-not-detailed); Touches, Embraces, Dancing, Hand holding, Nearness, Smelling, Warmth, & Shivers (up to semi-detailed); Wanting to touch & embrace (barely-above-not-detailed); Blushes; Noticing & Staring (including Nora noticing his muscles a bit when doctoring Quincy up (which he later teases her about), barely-above-not-detailed); A woman at a saloon leans into Quincy & he is uneasy about it; Many mentions of women being forced to resort to “unseemly means” to feed themselves, places of ill repute/brothels/bawdy houses, saloon girls/prostitutes, men wanting to with Norah and bidding for her, women leading men upstairs, the horrors the women go through there, & the man who owns the saloon trying to convince Norah to do more than just serve drinks and him hurting her (it’s said that he locked her in a room, slapped and kicked her, and told her he’d break her); Mentions of wedding night jitters, that it’s inevitable if you want children, & that Norah is trying not to dwell on the idea of the wedding night (Quincy adds that “with the right man, I would assume it’d be even exciting” and says that some matronly woman could give her advice to ease her fears); Mentions of kisses, kissing, & stealing kisses/stolen kisses; Mentions of blushes, flirting, & swooning; A few mentions of loose/tainted women; A few mentions of gossip & rumors about Norah being tainted after a man stayed in her home alone with her (another happened, but rumors were still spread); A few mentions of reputations; A couple mentions of an uncle dropping off his niece at a brothel; A couple mentions of not being sure if a man did “you know what” to a woman & that he’s a beast; A mention of a couple that is courting waiting to do the things that married couples do (until they’re married); A couple mentions of jealousy; A mention of if you win a fight, you can have your choice of a girl from the saloon; A mention of a man making untoward comments towards a woman; A mention of list of dreams (things to do) that an engaged woman says is for her husband’s eye only; Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
             *Note: Norah is engaged to a man 20 years her senior; A mention of Norah’s curves (by her).
-Norah King, age 22 then 24
-Quincy Barnes, age 25 then 27
                                P.O.V. switches between them
                 Set in 1880 (first four chapters), 1882 (rest of the book), & 1883 (Epilogue)
                                                        310 pages

Pre Teens-
New Teens- 
Early High School Teens- 
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating- 

{Ratings are lowered due to many mentions of prostitution and men abusing women.}

I wanted to like this novel because I’ve enjoyed all the author’s other books, but I struggled with this one for multiple reasons.

The story moves very fast, but especially at the beginning. The back-cover description only covers the first four chapters. The emotions between Norah and Quincy felt awfully fast, but then we have a time-skip and things have dramatically changed for both of them.

I had four things I wasn’t a fan of and three things I enjoyed, so let’s break them down.

Disliked: Honestly? Quincy. He was very focused on making Norah’s dreams come true, which is sweet in a way, but I wish there was more of a focus on trusting God for that. I really don’t like that he kept a very important secret from Norah and that it dragged out for the majority of the book. If you would just be honest to her, everything would be solved!

This leads into another element I disliked: I wasn’t thrilled with is how Quincy would get advice from others, but only like hearing it if it matched what he was thinking—1.) you should be going to the Lord before you do anything important, buddy. 2.) why are you looking for others’ approval for your thoughts? See point one and go to the Lord.

Disliked: I wish there had been more faith content. It was very light and I thought there were many parts that more discussions or faith-filled moments could have happened.

Disliked: While it’s a real topic in history and in today’s world, I really don’t like reading about men abusing women or prostitution. I wish the back-cover had alluded to this content being in the book so I could have mentally prepared myself a bit better. Of course, while nothing was detailed in those parts, I didn’t like the hints to such content, personally. This is the major reason the ratings for all ages are lowered.

The positives—which are why I’m giving it a personal rating of two stars:

Liked: There were a few mentions of characters and places from the author’s other books and I like when authors include Easter eggs like that.

Liked: As a baseball fan, I though all the baseball parts were fun.  

Liked: I really liked Nels, I think it would be neat to see him in his own story (kind of like Bane in Elizabeth Camden’s The Lady of Bolton Hill and Against the Tide.)

So while I was disappointed in this new book, I do plan to continue reading this author’s books as they release, though I don’t know if one will ever top her debut book for me.

See y’all on Friday with a new review!

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.
*I received this book for free from the Publisher (Revell) for this honest review.

Friday, June 24, 2022

"Once I Knew" by Victoria Lynn

About this book:

  “Violet lives her quiet little life in her sleepy village. Trying to remain as dead to the politics that are threatening their world as possible. She follows the rules, stays out of trouble and does her best to remain out of sight of the dreaded and overbearing Kingsmen.
    With the new regent on the throne, the country has been thrown into a turmoil. Unlike the kindly king before him, the new ruler is overbearing, frightening and tyrannical in his rule. Taxes are bleeding the people dry and without the money or goods to pay, they have been forced into penal servitude and imprisonment by the Kingsmen, who know no mercy. The despair and fear that has taken over their lives has ruled out any level of hope.
    When Violet stumbles upon an unconscious and injured Kingsman in the woods, despite the consequences, she cannot help but take care of the injured man. When he wakes and has no memory of who he is, she takes the only precaution that will keep her and her grandmother safe; she destroys the evidence of his past life.
    If Violet’s lowly Kingsman regains his memory, will she be able to live with the consequences? And will the Kingsman be able to live with his past life?”

Series: Book #1 in “The Chronicles of Elira” series.

Spiritual Content- Galatians 5:1 at the beginning; Scriptures are mentioned, quoted, & remembered; Many prayers & thanking God; God talks to Violet & Obed; A couple hymns are remembered & sung; Talks about God, His plan, being a child of God, & praying; A discussion about God, why He is/isn’t rescuing His people right away, & Him knowing (Violet struggles with this); ‘H’s are capitalized when referring to God; Obed isn’t sure if he believes in God (*Spoiler* Halfway through, God talks to him and he prays for Jesus to take and cleanse him; he feels the difference and God talks to him *End of Spoiler*); Many, many mentions of God, Jesus, His sacrifice for us, seeing the Lord, being called by Him, & being a child of God; Many mentions of prayers & praying (including a mention of Obed thinking that Violet wasn’t praying in English one time); Mentions of Bibles & Bible reading; Mentions of those & events in the Bible; Mentions of Heaven & knowing you’re going there when you die; Mentions of sins, sinners, & living sinfully; A few mentions of faiths; A few mentions of miracles; A couple mentions of the Lord sometimes opening people’s eyes to future events (called “spiritual sight”); A couple mentions of godsends; A couple mentions of churches & religions; A mention of going to churches that have “a ceremony of pomps, scripts, and elaborate folding of hands”;
             *Note: Violet says that every Kingsman she’s met was evil or some varying shade of it; Mentions of evil men, a man’s evil eyes, evil plans, evil intentions, & the evil in someone; Mentions of hell (the possibility of “all hell [breaking] loose”, fighting “like hell”, wanting to “bring down hell” upon someone, a “hellish moment”, a fire being like “a taste of hell”, pain like “hell fire”, not knowing “what hell exists” for someone, and someone forcing a “living hell” upon his people); A mention of a man being like “a demon from the pit of burning fire”; A mention of a demon inside of someone; A mention of Violet thinking that if a room “burned as hot as her soul did, then [the people in the room] would all burn in hellfire”; A mention of someone looking at another like they’re a ghost or just sprouted horns. 
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘hang it all’, an ‘idiot’, a ‘manure’ (said like a curse), a ‘shut up’, a ‘what in tarnation’, a ‘what the devil’, and four forms of ‘stupid’; Mentions of curses & cursing (a couple by Violet (who was ashamed she knew them and said them), said not written); A bit of sarcasm; Being held at knife-point (barely-above-not-detailed); Fighting & being hit and slapped (both Violet and Obed, up to semi-detailed); Lots of Pain, Injuries, Blood/Bleeding, & Passing out (up to semi-detailed); A fire, burns, & pain (semi-detailed); Recalling seeing the hanging of a loved one (blunt, semi-detailed) & grieving; Recalling an accident & pain (up to semi-detailed); Violet wonders at one point after a lot of pain, that “wouldn’t it just be easier to end it all?” (she’s told not to think like that and this leads into a discussion about God and Him knowing everything); Violet’s grandmother slips into old memories at times & is very confused (this is incredibly hard on Violet); Violet has few panic attacks & anxiety attacks; Violet lies that Obed is her cousin for the sake of their safety & also keeps from him anything she knows about his past; Many mentions of executions (hangings), being killed, & punishments from the government (including harsh beatings and being put into the stocks, up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of pain, injuries, being choked, broken bones, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of an assassination attempt & believing a body to have been eaten by wild animals (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of someone being poisoned & dying; Mentions of a possible death & dead body (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of a child being beaten by the kingsmen and becoming crippled; Mentions of wars, battles, & fighting; Mentions of slavery & slaves; Mentions of someone being held at knife-point & blood; Mentions of a fire & injuries (semi-detailed); Mentions of threats of violence & killing; Mentions of prison; Mentions of alcohol, drinking, drunks, & pubs; Mentions of lies & lying; Mentions of rumors; Mentions of nightmares; Mentions of a kitten that was killed by a kingsman in front of it’s owner (a child, barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of manure & the smell of waste (barely-above-not-detailed); A few mentions of a country doing raids to “steal women, children, & helpless men”; A few mentions of treason; A few mentions of thieves & stealing; A few mentions of hatred; A few mentions of vomit & throwing up; A couple mentions of a possible kidnapping & ransom; A couple mentions of taking substances that altered your mind (Obed); A couple mentions of a horse being abused by it’s rider (barely-above-not-detailed); A mention of the sound of swords meeting flesh (barely-above-not-detailed); A mention of someone being ran out of a place & to be killed like a dog; A mention of being trapped “like a deer in a snare”; A mention of the smell of dead fish (barely-above-not-detailed).
Sexual Content- Two top-of-the-head kisses (one being friendly), a forehead kiss, an almost kiss (semi-detailed), and two semi-detailed kisses (one from a dream of a past event); Wanting to kiss someone (barely-above-not-detailed); Touches, Embraces, & Hand Holding (barely-above-not-detailed); Wanting to touch, embrace, & hold hands; Blushes; Noticing (barely-above-not-detailed); A Kingsman implies that if Violet sleeps with him, her debts will be paid (when she rejects him, he says that he may still get what he wants and that if she doesn’t pay, he’ll take what he wants with or without her permission; it’s blatantly hinted at what he means, but the words ‘sleep with’ or anything similar is not actually said); Kingsmen act suggestive to Violet & leer at her lustfully (this happens three times, including one trying to get her to kiss him & the others roughly pulling and pushing her and touching her cheek while talking to her in a suggestive tone, barely-above-not-detailed); Obed has a remembering/dream of a party & pulling a woman onto his lap for a kiss and playing with her hair (barely-above-not-detailed) & another of women at his feet and one in his lap playing with his hair and kisses her (it’s said that her breath on his cheek filled “him with pleasure”, that he recalling it, “felt the enjoyment of the moment but also felt repulsed”, border-line barely-above-not-detailed // semi-detailed); A few mentions of Violet not being touched by a man (it’s said that “he could have had his way and wrecked her if he had been given the slightest chance. Which, clearly, the Lord wasn’t allowing.”); A few mentions of a man bringing up of when Obed used to lust over everything and anything & him seducing many women; A couple mentions of woman being assaulted (no details, another mention of a girl being found “beaten and worse”); A couple mentions of kisses; A couple mentions of Violet’s purity (one said in a mocking tone); A mention of men whistling at Violet; A mention of a life turning into parties, women, & debauchery; Love, falling in love, & the emotions;
             *Note: A couple mentions of a mother & (stillborn) baby dying (Violet’s family); A mention of some women’s dresses being revealing and lewd.
-Violet Frell
                                P.O.V. switches between them
                                                        374 pages

Pre Teens-
New Teens- 
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens-
My personal Rating- 
{Lower the ratings a full star for those sensitive to mentions of men having their way with women &/or animal death.}

What a fascinating novel. The characters, the world building, the setting. Just everything had me so intrigued and wanting to know more.

I had high hopes for this novel and it pretty much knock it out of the park. There was such good substance to this plot—it was not heavily focused on the romance, but on their faiths and doing the right and good thing for others. The romance elements were sweet and not on the physical side at all, which I so appreciated. The faith content was just spectacular, it held and weaved this book and the plot together so well.

I don’t know what else to say, this book quickly pulled me in and I didn’t want to set it down to do anything else. Two of my favorite tropes (amnesia and hidden identity) were important to the story and had me so curious in what would happen next.

There are some mentions of men leering at Violet and wanting to have their way with her, but nothing goes beyond that. Another few mentions of the death of a child’s pet that might be hard for some readers, so please take note of both of those parts. Violet also struggles with panic attacks at times and a mention of wondering about ending it all that could be triggering for those with suicidal thoughts. Elsewise, I would consider this book to be clean and could be interesting for readers 16+, depending on the girl.

See y’all on Friday with a new review!

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

Monday, June 20, 2022

"Messy Malodorous Malarkey" by K.D. McCrite

About this book:

  “An accident on the road. An unexpected wedding announcement.
    A slew of long-term, noisy wedding guests who prefer sports to romance and who take over the house. A cheesy-looking school bus parked in the driveway, and messy malodorous malarkey coming from everywhere.
    A new friend who isn’t what she seems, and another who is more than April Grace could hope for.
    The summer of 1987 at the Reilly home is off to a rousing, hilarious start as April Grace continues to chronicle life on Rough Creek Road.”

Series: Book #4 in the “Confessions of April Grace”/”The Chronicles of April Grace” series. This is a reprinted edition of “Pink Orchids and Cheeseheads”. There are three books in the original series: Review of Book #1 Here and Book #2 Here, and Book #3 Here!

Spiritual Content- ‘H’s are not capitalized when referring to God; Mentions of prayers, praying, thanking God, & blessings over food; Mentions of churches, church going, services, a Sunday school class, a youth group, & reverends/pastors; A few mentions of God; A couple mentions of those & items in the Bible; A mention of a Bible; A mention of being blessed; A mention of Myra Sue putting on face and the attitude of a pitiful martyr; A mention of Isabelle believing that being skinny is one of the Ten Commandments;
             *Note: A few mentions of bad luck; A few mentions of April Grace remembering hearing that sometimes when someone is about to die, they feel and see their dead loved ones; A couple mentions of ghosts.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a ‘drip’, a ‘shucks’, a ‘shut up’, a ‘sissy’, a “scared the puddin’ out of all of us”, four ‘golly’s, seven ‘stupid’s, and eight forms of ‘dumb’; Sarcasm, Sass/being a smart-aleck, & Eye rolling; April Grace & Myra Sue fuss at each other and call each other names (brat, sissy, “none of your beeswax”, but much less than the prior books); April Grace & a boy call each other names; When April Grace does something she knows she shouldn’t have done, she squirms and tries to push it to the back of her mind (but she reveals it and it very distraught about what she did); Mentions of a wife killing her husband in self-defense & being in prison (*Spoiler* Lacey’s mother shot her father was abusive and she was afraid that he would hurt Lacey *End of Spoiler*); Mentions of car accidents & someone almost killing themselves in a wreck; Mentions of accidents, pain, injuries, & blood/bleeding (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of crimes; Mentions of thieves, stealing, & stolen items (*Spoiler* Someone has kleptomania and calls it a mental illness, while April Grace thinks stealing is stealing, someone else explains it to her that it’s hard to control *End of Spoiler*); Mentions of lies & lying; Mentions of drinking & moonshine; Mentions of throwing up; A few mentions of deaths from the Spanish flu; A few mentions of possible murderers, thugs, & wondering if someone got beat up; A few mentions of a man acting threatening; A few mentions of animal poop; A couple mentions of someone looking like an ax murderer; A couple mentions of Myra Sue running away from home (Book #3); A mention of robbing a bank; A mention of wondering if a husband is going to leave his wife (he’s not);
             *Note: Mentions of brand names, items, & stores (Cheerios, M& M’s candy, Lifesaver candy, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Snickers, Lay’s Potato Chips, Corn Flakes, McDonald’s, Weber grill, Chinet, Barbie, Kleenex, Band-Aid, Nyquil, Midol, Vaseline, Ivory soap, Camay soap, Ajax, Comet, Clorox bleach, Lysol, Raid bug spray, a Bic pen, John Deere tractor, New Holland Haybine, Hefty trash bags, JC Penney, Wal-Mart, and a Greyhound bus); Mentions of car brands; Mentions of books, authors, & characters (all classics); Mentions of sports teams & players; A few mentions of a movie, a TV show, & characters (The Sound of Music, Who’s the Boss, & Bugs Bunny); A few mentions of celebrities (Christie Brinkley, Dolly Parton, Julie Andrews, ); A couple mentions of magazines/catalogs (Ideals & Sears).
Sexual Content- Mentions of a grandma’s three boyfriends; Mentions of dates, dating, & boyfriends; A few mentions of adults making goo-goo eyes at each other & being moony-eyed; A couple mentions of April Grace being glad she didn’t see an old couple kissing; A mention of a couple snuggling up together; A couple mentions of Myra Sue talking about cute boys; A mention of a mother not knowing anything about her biological father; A mention of a kiss at a wedding; A mention of jealousy;
             *Note: A couple mentions of April Grace comparing her & another girl’s figures and beginning bosoms; A couple mentions of a grandma saying that her bosoms have shrunk after losing weight (but she was actually hunching her shoulders, so they came back); A mention of wondering if a woman stuffed with bosoms with something; A mention of Myra Sue stuffing her bra “until her chest looked like it ought to be on Dolly Parton”.
-April Grace Reilly, age 12
                                1st person P.O.V. of April Grace
                                          Set in 1987
                                                    287 pages

Pre Teens-
New Teens-
Early High School Teens-
Older High School Teens- 
My personal Rating-
The original April Grace series is one of my favorites I think because she reminds me of Eloise from Eloise at the Plaza (which the Christmas movie is my absolute favorite Christmas movie, in case you were wondering 😉 ) with her wild imagination—just set in the 1980s in the country.

April Grace has grown quite a bit (character-wise, not age) through these four books and it was so much fun to see her and the whole bunch again! I also really enjoyed seeing her with a new friend. I do wish there had been a bit more faith content in this book, though. I’m super excited to see a teaser for the next book in the series! I think I’ll still say the first book is probably my favorite of the series, but this was still an entertaining read.

See y’all on Friday with a new review!

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

*I received this book for free from the Publisher (Motina Books) for this honest review.