Friday, September 6, 2024

"Into Thin Air" by Sandra Orchard

About this book:

  “Veterinarian Harriet Bailey’s life becomes more hectic than usual when she reopens her grandfather’s art gallery. Between coping with an invasion of gray squirrels in the gallery’s loft, the many tourists lining up to get a glimpse of Grandad’s famous paintings, and the mysterious illness affecting a local farmer’s cattle, Harriet isn’t sure how much more she can handle.
    But when her cat, Charlie, discovers a crying infant hidden in the bushes outside the clinic, Harriet’s other problems pale in comparison. Harriet met the baby’s mother earlier that very day, when the woman stopped in for an appointment with Harriet’s Aunt Jinny. So where is she now? As Harriet scrambles to find clues to help the police, she discovers that one of Grandad’s paintings is missing too! Are the two disappearances connected? With the help of her aunt and her trusty assistant, Polly Thatcher, Harriet is determined to chase down every lead and reunite this little family—before it’s too late.”

Series: Book #3 in the “Mysteries of Cobble Hill Farm” series. Review of Book #1 Here! and Book #2 Here!

Spiritual Content- A few Scriptures are mentioned quoted, & remembered; Prayers; Church going & a sermon (with Scriptures; Harriet does get distracted during the sermon and whispers to someone, but then focuses on the sermon); A few talks about God; 'H's are capital when referring to God; Mentions of God, Jesus, His will, prayers, & praying; Mentions of churches, church going, a pastor, sermons, & services; A couple mentions of those & events in the Bible; A mention of God giving someone peace in a scary situation; A mention of a prayer chain; A mention of a church’s Bible camp; A mention of a guardian angel; 
             *Note: A mention of a bad omen.

Negative Content- Minor cussing including: a form of ‘stupid’; Being threatened & held at gunpoint (barely-above-not-detailed); A bit of eye rolling; Harriet & Polly go into someone’s house under somewhat false motivations and Harriet feels guilt about it; All about & many mentions of a found infant (including some thinking the child could have been abandoned), the mother either disappearing or being kidnapped, kidnappers, crimes, criminals, smugglers, stolen items, thieves, a possible heist, & a robbery; Many mentions of injured and sick animals (including a fox getting into a chicken coop, cows being poisoned, a dog being hit by a car, & cats being in dangerous situations; all animals are fine; up to semi-detailed) & Harriet’s veterinary clinic treatments (including vaccines); Mentions of injuries & the possibility of someone being shot; Mentions of search-and-rescue operations; Mentions of possible break-ins; Mentions of alcohol, drinking, pubs, & bars; Mentions of drugs, poisons, & someone being drugged/poisoned; Mentions of lies & lying; A few mentions of arrests; A few mentions of people smuggling & refugees; A few mentions of two suspicious men having guns (which makes Harriet uncomfortable); A few mentions of a deer being hit by a car (and not making it, up to semi-detailed); A few mentions of a goat getting into antifreeze & dying afterwards; A couple mentions of someone possibly being held at gunpoint; A couple mentions of World War II; A mention of the possibility of a body being dumped; A mention of stampeding cattle causing injuries and even death; A mention of a car accident; A mention of a bomb; A mention of a ransom call; A mention of acting drunk; A mention of tobacco; A mention of rumors; A mention of a stoat eating someone’s guinea fowl; 
             *Note: Harriet is concerned about the baby being abandoned and thinks they should call the authorities, but her aunt says that the baby will be fine with her (because she’s a temporary foster care parent and the mother has been struggling with postpartum depression); Mentions of car brands; A couple mentions of someone who was diagnosed with OCD; A mention of mental trauma; A comment at the very end of the book in the bonus content mentions TV shows ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ & ‘The Yorkshire Vet’.
Sexual Content- A woman comments that if a certain man was her husband, she’d be paranoid with all the traveling he does for work because he’s “gorgeous”, though, she quickly backpedals that she doesn’t think he would “stray” away from his wife; Mentions of dates, dating, break-ups, broken hearts, crushes, & blushes; A mention of a married couple kissing; A mention of a young woman being a “hunk magnet”;
             *Note: Mentions of a mother suffering with “baby blues”/postpartum depression; A mention of a couple being unable to have children and how much they care for their cat because of it.
-Harriet Bailey, age 33
                                P.O.V. of Harriet 
                                                        270 pages


Pre Teens- 

New Teens- 

Early High School Teens- 

Older High School Teens- 

My personal Rating- 

This was actually the book I’ve been most curious about in this series because I’ve enjoyed many books by Sandra Orchard over the years. I do think Harriet let her imagination run away with her at times which we haven’t seen in the prior two books—such as thinking what could have happened to the missing mother and it felt like some pretty big leaps for Harriet. I will admit that I was lost at times keeping up with everyone that’s new in this book—I definitely made use of the search feature in my Kindle book! All that said, I liked this book still a bit more than the second book, but not quite as much as the first book. It kept my attention, though, and I know I’ll be continuing this series soon. :)



See y’all on Friday with a new review! 

*BFCG may (Read the review to see) recommend this book by this author. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author.

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